Total Members Voted: 0
How do I get unbanned? Is it even remotely possible if you've been banned for ages?I've been wanting the ban removed for a while because I was a big fan of this server and I was probably banned for rule 1 because I was young and dumb at the time, and I believe I am mature enough to return to the game.(To be honest I doubt I'll actually get unbanned ever, but I don't know any other way to appeal.)
It is still on bedroom, and are the anniversary things still there?
As soon as a map other than bedroom wins voting, bedroom will be removed from rotation again.
Then we'll vote for Bedroom forever.
gross im going to connect with all of my keys and vote for desert
hey guys lulu changed his namebring back lulu or he'll be in some hot water riot
hey guys luneth changed his name
bring back lulu
all the pictures and snips I took
Jetz was tryin so hard to be tophat lmaoLast picture huge tophat what is he doingthere can be only one tophat