
Should I consider secondary developers?

No, retain the purity. One man, one mod, ein reich!

Author Topic: CityRPG  (Read 84063 times)

Uhm - I'll be a Factory Owner to help the economy start. :)

Police Officer - Knil
Grocer #1 - Scout
Factory Owner - Brian Smith

The mod is scripted so the weapons interact directly with specific values related to CityRPG, such as recoil based on hunger and health and personal beliefs.

How will jail breaks work? Will jails be the usual city rpg jail with either boring cell and/or mining or different?

Edit: I'm going to be annoying and jump on the job bandwagon, Could I be bureaucrat please <3

forget, that reminds me bureaucrats don't do anything... Play date pushed back some. :P

Jailbreaks are something map-related. They work by having the inmate leaving the jail lot. There will probably be only one way out: Friends with C4.

forget, that reminds me bureaucrats don't do anything...




My plans for them were to, literally, have them go around and put tax notices on whatever shops they felt like. They'd get a cut of the tax money.

Could I be a Foreman? Help aid the income of raw resources

No. All jobs except the first three people that need to help get stuff off the ground need to be earned.

No. All jobs except the first three people that need to help get stuff off the ground need to be earned.

Oh well, guess I wait.

So, do we just get a little extra starting materials to make the shops and factorys?

Yeah. You'll start off as the job and with a bunch of refined plastic to build with.

Yeah. You'll start off as the job and with a bunch of refined plastic to build with.
Good to know :)