Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 434641 times)


Another consideration: Does this mean we will see official tools to streamline BLB creation (as has been hinted at the existence of)?
I certainly hope so. Will it also make the required .dts collisions? Or will we be able to make dynamic collision in the .blb?

>Wish that Blockland had shadows, and cry because it will never happen
>It happens, bitch about losing useless maps

What bugs me now is the brickcount..


Yeah but forget the maps. we really need to build our own stuff.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 07:17:42 PM by Khain »

I'm so glad I bought a great computer at Christmas so I don't have to worry about anything. :cookieMonster:

How about using height maps to generate unbreakable bricks as terrain?

>Wish that Blockland had shadows, and cry because it will never happen
>It happens, bitch about losing useless maps
So much this.  This is for the better, guys.

this is the perfect opportunity to host a big city build to have both as a default build and as a showcase for the shaders

hint hint

If you enjoy the game because of terrain and interiors then I don't think you really enjoy the core mechanic. Blockland probably isn't for you..
I've been playing for over two years, I'm sure it's fine for me.
I'm just saying terrain and interiors make the game MORE fun than it already is and definitely more fun than shadows instead of it.

this is the perfect opportunity to host a big city build to have both as a default build and as a showcase for the shaders

hint hint
ooh yes

It's funny that you're complaining to the person who did something in this engine that nobody else thought he could that "waah it's too hard".
What in the hell is that supposed to mean.
REMOVING ALL THE MAPS will practically CONDEMN people with stuffty computers to costly updates or barely be able to play the game at all!

I disagree with any decision that sacrifices gameplay for graphics.



Having an interior to play on is an extra gameplay feature that, while it doesn't add a lot, definitely adds SOMETHING that bricks don't. I don't give two stuffs about shadows and shaders.

On these grounds, I am opposed to the change until such time as those "new features" vaguely hinted at are extant. I would strongly urge you not to release any patch of this nature until some kind of new feature is actually done, something that replaces the availability of bedroom and kitchen interiors, so this isn't a straight downgrade of gameplay. This should not be that hard. You could add almost anything and it would make up for losing interiors, as long as you add something.

this is the perfect opportunity to host a big city build to have both as a default build and as a showcase for the shaders

hint hint