Author Topic: [Resource/Beta 0.4] Custom Player Animations  (Read 55988 times)

There now should be a new forum:
Custom animations form

It really would be nice..

I wonder if EpicFrySauce is still working on this...

Why do we need to download so much stuff for one addon?
If it didn't need that stuff I would download and give you a :cookie: and some  :iceCream:.

Why do we need to download so much stuff for one addon?
If it didn't need that stuff I would download and give you a :cookie: and some  :iceCream:.
this isnt an addon dipstuff

Why do we need to download so much stuff for one addon?
If it didn't need that stuff I would download and give you a :cookie: and some  :iceCream:.
omg lol

I'm so glad these emotes exist, it's funny every time :cookieMonster:

this isnt an addon dipstuff
i think that guy saw too much addons on this forum topic.

I just noticed this was edited by badspot like 2 months ago. i wonder what was changed