
Do you agree with the OP?

100% - Yes, It's like the OP read my mind.
75% - Yes, I think most of what I've read holds true.
50% - Meh, Some of it I agree with, some of it I don't.
25% - No, For the most part, I don't really see any of this, but I can agree with a few things.
0% - No, The OP clearly has no idea what he's talking about.

Author Topic: Blockland Today - The Fun Is Missing... Or is it?  (Read 22658 times)

I volunteer myself for this task. Anyone else care to join?
I do whenever someone asks me, but hardly anyone asks. :C

I do whenever someone asks me, but hardly anyone asks. :C
Maybe they don't know who to ask, or even if they should ask in the first place.
Asking people for help is apparently difficult for other people to do.
The best solution, is to approach them first, and offer to help, but I think we aught to have a proper/formal/official method of training and assisting new players in developing skills. TF2 has a good example of such a system.

Blockland Training Video Series?

That is rather a neat idea, but most Help topics are asking for something not in my area of expertise, or are very simple questions like "hao2 dl Add ones"

The other majority of them have been vastly nullified since I focus on maps.  I now have to move to vehicles and weapons (weapons I have done for a while).

Also the servers I host are generally very fun, but since my IGN is Tuevon, no one knows who I am.

Blockland Training Video Series?
That would be extremely handy.

Training and assistance forum section?

Training and assistance forum section?
Mod Tutorials Forums Section.

Well not just training in creating new content, but maybe training in being a better player?
Teach people some building etiquette and how to host a successful server.
The game could have every vehicle, gun, and lego brick in existance, but if people don't utilize them for a fun time then it's all for nothing.

Well not just training in creating new content, but maybe training in being a better player?
Teach people some building etiquette and how to host a successful server.
The game could have every vehicle, gun, and lego brick in existance, but if people don't utilize them for a fun time then it's all for nothing.
Yeah this.

Meh every time I try to make something fun I never get any help.  I'm much too burned out and ADD to do a large-scale fun project by myself. 

I will come out here and say I am boomerangdog now c:
This is my alt account. I am on it because Boomerangdog got banned for 1 week.

OnTopic: I can help with any videos with things such as voice chat. I am not some prissy 11 year old, I am 15 and have an actual voice, so don't be afraid to ask me. Also, another idea is to make another tutorial map, somewhat with those map triggers and such, like in the tutorial. We could call it the Social Tutorial to Blockland, and it just teaches you about blockland community and what you can do to be like within it.

Yeah this.
It would also be essential to make these things easy to find.
I don't know about you, but I have had a very difficult time finding information without being told where to look.
Perhaps for a newer update, if such a toutorial video were to be created, as well as a list of help players, it should be advertised on the toutorial map at the end, as a way of leading players to further their skills.

Well not just training in creating new content, but maybe training in being a better player?
Teach people some building etiquette and how to host a successful server.
The game could have every vehicle, gun, and lego brick in existance, but if people don't utilize them for a fun time then it's all for nothing.
This is exactly why you all think the game sucks. The older members all think that the game needs to be played in certain way.

It's a loving sandbox game. People can play and use things how they want. Sure, 1x1 houses can be annoying and should be discouraged if posted in the gallery, but they work fine if someone needs to throw together a quick built to DM or RP in.

The people who are playing the game don't need your tutorials, they are already having fun how they play the game.

It would also be essential to make these things easy to find.
I don't know about you, but I have had a very difficult time finding information without being told where to look.
Perhaps for a newer update, if such a toutorial video were to be created, as well as a list of help players, it should be advertised on the toutorial map at the end, as a way of leading players to further their skills.
I'm sure if we made something really well that was super handy then badspot would sticky it somewhere.
The community as a whole needs improvement.

Just look at all the people who take any excuse to be negative towards each other in the forums. New people don't want to play a game filled with asses.

Lots of people that join blockland early off are at young age, but mature through a long process of about 1 year as they grow up. If we can create a way for players to mature more quickly, then blockland can be enjoyed more and more. Though I understand that some players that play this are about 7-9 and cannot mature that quickly, but still, it would help them in real life, and the virtual life.

I'm sure if we made something really well that was super handy then badspot would sticky it somewhere.
The community as a whole needs improvement.
I will help if you want.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 10:46:49 PM by Maerwynn »

Well not just training in creating new content, but maybe training in being a better player?
Teach people some building etiquette and how to host a successful server.
The game could have every vehicle, gun, and lego brick in existance, but if people don't utilize them for a fun time then it's all for nothing.
All the hosts who host crappy servers are completely close minded and handicapped.  If you make any suggestions to them they get pissed off and say "LEAVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT" 

This is exactly why you all think the game sucks. The older members all think that the game needs to be played in certain way.

It's a loving sandbox game. People can play and use things how they want. Sure, 1x1 houses can be annoying and should be discouraged if posted in the gallery, but they work fine if someone needs to throw together a quick built to DM or RP in.

The people who are playing the game don't need your tutorials, they are already having fun how they play the game.
People hosting now are young kids, they're entertained by anything.  The older members want to have fun too.  Whats fun to an older member will be just as fun to a younger member, why can't we all have fun playing the game?