
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432464 times)

But yeah I think hurricane sucks, never build it EXCEPT. If I'm adc, and we're heavily sieged by minions.. maybe we lack all 3 inhibi and I need to clear the waves fast fast fast. Then I'd get it.

Well that went swimmingly.

I usually buy hurricane for Lucian after I get Bloodthirster to farm for both BT and lodsofemone, and then late game I trade it out with other [more useful] items (Usually Phantom Dancer or Infinity Edge or something.)

Well that went swimmingly.

I usually buy hurricane for Lucian after I get Bloodthirster to farm for both BT and lodsofemone, and then late game I trade it out with other [more useful] items (Usually Phantom Dancer or Infinity Edge or something.)

When Lucian came out I would build hurricane on him into statik shiv because those items can proc shiv every half second on him, it made him deal huge burst damage early game but heavily fell off late game, then i'd sell it for a last whisper or something else.

only time i use hurricane is testing stuff out
like one day i had 2.50 attack speed on panth and thought i could just take turrets down without getting hit.
(didnt work out well but it does work in a way)

Jesus Christ, Ahri fits my play style so well, I got positive with her nearly every single game I play, even if the rest of my team isn't doing too hot.

6/2/31 my second game as leona

such tank

Leona's one of my favourite tanks and I really like her name.

Leona's one of my favourite tanks and I really like her name.

im the best leona in the world so i think her being a favorite of mine is a given

i suck at phoenix udyr (this was my 2nd game as phoenix uddy, i usually go tiger but now i found out phoenix is a fukn badass)

feel bad that you fed a ton in your other games?
+ your poopy's deaths looks like it's double digit, ~27?

feel bad that you fed a ton in your other games?
+ your poopy's deaths looks like it's double digit, ~27?
well most of the games are showdown

poppy was 9 deaths
other uddy was 2/6/13
so ya i suck at this game
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 04:50:12 AM by Ayxrion »

such leona

what gangplank

mlg ashe


that jungle ashe
doesn't seem like they have much going for them while farming the jungle early on, volley is too high of a cooldown and only autoattacking is slow