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57 (35.2%)
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46 (28.4%)
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36 (22.2%)
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23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 432132 times)

I'm almost certain that it isn't my skill level that is holding me down. I have tried going everywhere in hopes of trying to carry, but everybody else in all of my games do bad. I even let people go where they want so they will be happy

I'm almost certain that it isn't my skill level that is holding me down. I have tried going everywhere in hopes of trying to carry, but everybody else in all of my games do bad. I even let people go where they want so they will be happy
I feel the same way, and usually, when someone who calls adc before me is in pick order before me and they perform poorly, I'm like, "i wonder what would have happened if i adc'd" and i get sad because demote

I really want victorious elise, but I doubt I will be able to get to gold after the way my games have been going

Made my way back to promos again (Silver IV)
First game, my brand new laptop crashes. Takes ages sending logs or something, then decides it needs to update EVEN THOUGH I MANUALLY UPDATED ALREADY and then it doesn't actually properly turn on afterward. When I get back, the score is still 1 to 1, but despite my best efforts (as adc), top, mid, and jungle all feed moderately to extremely. We lose.
Second game, we're doing well, I'm adc again. I'm pretty happy, seeing as nobody's flaming or anything. Somebody recognizes me from last game, though, and then calls me bad for it. Eventually, one of our teammates left, even though we were doing perfectly well, and didn't even try to reconnect.
Promo failed. Might as well keep playing.
Third game, same story with the disconnect. We're doing well, but can't 4v5
Fourth game. Same. Story.
This time around though everyone's like "oh man I'm sorry about your leaver, we'll report. Honored all of you for trying." This was some mitigation but it still sucked.
In summary, lose 50 LP, gain 5 honor.

In one of my promos I was forced to dodge because I couldn't pick a champion because my internet forgeted up. This happened two times and I didn't even get a chance to play

any1 wanna mystery-gift me a panda teemo
unless it doesnt work that way
idk how it wroks but i want that forgeter :(

I have it. No regrets.
fuk u ok i want him!!

I'm almost certain that it isn't my skill level that is holding me down. I have tried going everywhere in hopes of trying to carry, but everybody else in all of my games do bad. I even let people go where they want so they will be happy
I feel the same way, and usually, when someone who calls adc before me is in pick order before me and they perform poorly, I'm like, "i wonder what would have happened if i adc'd" and i get sad because demote
I dropped 2 divisions from people like that :S

i only play ranked with gold friends now so i can get matched with people actually know how to play the game asdfasd

so yeah
ez pics because i'm happy

so, uhhh
you know what sucks?
being in silver II and then dropping to silver III because you're paired with people who have 0 communication
i win my lane
but not the game
you know what sucks?
being in d1 then staying there

jk lol

you know what sucks?
being in d1 then staying there

jk lol

carry me to gold please

Hey guys. I'm pretty interested in joining LoL, but I had a couple of questions before I really commit.

1. Is the community as toxic to newbies as they say they are?

2. Could you potentially use only a couple champions, or do you need to change for team balance like TF2?

3. How steep is the learning curve for this game?

Hey guys. I'm pretty interested in joining LoL, but I had a couple of questions before I really commit.

1. Is the community as toxic to newbies as they say they are?

2. Could you potentially use only a couple champions, or do you need to change for team balance like TF2?

3. How steep is the learning curve for this game?
1. Kinda. I actually never had problems with rude players as a newbie, but I've been partnered with quite a few at higher levels. But toxic players aren't too much of a problem, that's what the mute button's for. :)

2. I know a few people that get along fine with just a few champions in their champion pool. But I definitely wouldn't recommend it; especially when you hop into ranked, you'll end up being pushed into roles you don't care for (typically support.) It's easiest to just learn a few champions for each role to make you a pretty well-rounded summoner.

3. League is pretty easy to learn, but hard to master. Some champions are easy to play with forever, while some of the characters capable of making crazy plays have a much higher skillcap. Learning and keeping on top of the meta isn't really very hard either.

I'd definitely be willing to teach ya, if you decide to join. :)

1. Kinda. I actually never had problems with rude players as a newbie, but I've been partnered with quite a few at higher levels. But toxic players aren't too much of a problem, that's what the mute button's for. :)

2. I know a few people that get along fine with just a few champions in their champion pool. But I definitely wouldn't recommend it; especially when you hop into ranked, you'll end up being pushed into roles you don't care for (typically support.) It's easiest to just learn a few champions for each role to make you a pretty well-rounded summoner.

3. League is pretty easy to learn, but hard to master. Some champions are easy to play with forever, while some of the characters capable of making crazy plays have a much higher skillcap. Learning and keeping on top of the meta isn't really very hard either.

I'd definitely be willing to teach ya, if you decide to join. :)

I know some of the basics, but I know it may take a while to actually get good at the game and I don't want richardheads screeching at me because I accidentally died.