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Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 472061 times)


vayne and braum make me want to slaughter kittens

If anything, his passive is too strong.
Change it to only build stacks on one champion, but once they've been stunned and put on the cooldown, stacks could be built on another champion.

That or reduce the duration of the stun. Cause to me, it seems like the strongest passive in the game, simply because it gives your entire team a chance to stun an enemy with nothing but basic attacks.

Duration isn't huge
compare it to most other stuns and it's not a massive advantage
Morg binding for one thing is almost the same thing, just that the cc is instant
Taric has instant, targeted
Veigar has AoE lasting for like 2 years

what about lucian + braum where braum applies 1 stack, lucian qs then shoots twice and bam stunned

Duration isn't huge
compare it to most other stuns and it's not a massive advantage
Morg binding for one thing is almost the same thing, just that the cc is instant
Taric has instant, targeted
Veigar has AoE lasting for like 2 years
morg's takes longish to travel, and im pretty sure its a root
taric's doesnt last forever or do good damage
veigar's is dumb yeah but at least you have to actually get yourself into that

Duration isn't huge
compare it to most other stuns and it's not a massive advantage
Morg binding for one thing is almost the same thing, just that the cc is instant
Taric has instant, targeted
Veigar has AoE lasting for like 2 years
However, it is a passive that has zero resource cost, as well as adding some pretty severe early game burst. And if he really wanted to, he could start it off from range at a low cost of 55/60/65/70/75 mana on a 10/9/8/7/6s cd. The projectile has a similar range to Morg's binding except it travels exceptionally faster. Taric's isn't instant. It does have a travel time and many people do back up as it travels and laughs at my now reduced mana pool, seeing how Dazzle costs 75 mana at all levels. While if Braum fired his Winter's Bite, the enemy champion would have to be careful for an entire 5 seconds, resetting each time they're hit by an attack. Taric's lv 1 stun also has a shorter duration at that, lv 4 having a shorter duration than Braum's lv 2 passive (lv 7), and being unable to exceed the duration once Braum has his lv 3 passive (lv 13).

I'm not going to compare him to Veigar because those are two different roles.
And I don't  think I even have to say anything about cooldowns.

Point taken
It still hasn't bothered me too much in terms of balance. I'd agree that its damage could certainly be reduced because that's not the primary purpose of the spell, though.

EDIT: Just had to deal with double jungle in ranked
in plat
Udyr did not chat all game, didn't buy a jungle item, and rushed frozen mallet
Master Yi just fed
I've called support already, and then it comes to my team's attention that none of them are AP
The only AP burster sup I have is Annie
I can't even play Annie
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 03:14:18 PM by Katadeus »

kata, can i add you~

kayle is so much fun :0

why does this do this

They were deleted for their unsatisfactory performance

Point taken
It still hasn't bothered me too much in terms of balance. I'd agree that its damage could certainly be reduced because that's not the primary purpose of the spell, though.

EDIT: Just had to deal with double jungle in ranked
in plat
Udyr did not chat all game, didn't buy a jungle item, and rushed frozen mallet
Master Yi just fed
I've called support already, and then it comes to my team's attention that none of them are AP
The only AP burster sup I have is Annie
I can't even play Annie
qq i had a hecarim on my team go 1/15 (and when i told everyone to report him for intentional feeding they said he didn't feed ;_;)
beat that

This four dorans blade rengar stuff is handicapped.

I've been abusing it and holy forget is it stupid.

this makes me very angry