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35 (30.7%)

Total Members Voted: 114

Author Topic: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: SCREAM FORTRESS? MORE LIKE JUNGLE INFERNO!  (Read 2473212 times)

cl_first_person_uses_world_mo del 1
its a great mix having no viewmodels and having viewmodel

buying strange sangu sleeves for 1 key

add jummkopf

I wanted to name it Two for tuesday three for thursday and stuff faced saturday

Will it get removed/deleted since it has swear word?
this game is rated m for mature and you're worried about swear words?

I'm not sure why, but I love that look as well.


i bet the item's super stuffty


why can't I get anything from the rich players who give away stuff

I was nice once and giftapulted something

it went to a bot

im poor and have no hat :(

I've gotten only 1 of those giftapult gifts.

For some reason I'm a good luck charm with them, though, because at least 4 of my friends have gotten one while we were both in the same server.

I've never got a giftapult.

I've gotten several giftapults. One of them was a black rose.

I'm addicted to playing Huntsman Sniper on Asteroid, I feel like I'm getting a sixth sense regarding player movement prediction

Also did you guys know that a Vaccinator bullet resistance Uber can reduce the Huntsman's taunt kill damage to non-lethal levels? I thought that was really weird at first but after looking at the wiki it makes sense, 500 damage reduced by 75% brings it down to only 125

Additional fun fact I learned while looking that up, if you're playing Soldier/Demo and your Vaccinator Medic pops an explosion resistance Uber you can hurt yourself to heal them

why can't I get anything from the rich players who give away stuff

I put a hat in my complimentary giftapult, haven't gotten anything myself

Didn't think to track down who it went to
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 05:34:52 PM by Regulith »

Additional fun fact I learned while looking that up, if you're playing Soldier/Demo and your Vaccinator Medic pops an explosion resistance Uber you can hurt yourself to heal them
that's actually really cool to know

now I want a strange vaccinator that doesn't rival the kritzkrieg in cost

Vaccinator is one of those weapons that is powerful in the right hands. I could never do it at my current level as medic, but it is definitely something worth getting good at.