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Author Topic: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: SCREAM FORTRESS? MORE LIKE JUNGLE INFERNO!  (Read 2467153 times)

I, on the other hand, care a lot about it being delayed.
iunno. the update wasn't gonna be anything cool, just more cosmetics. I want some new guns, all the ones we have now feel way to ordinary now. I want more heavy primaries, more engineer tools like new sentries or dispensers. some more universal or multi-class weapons that aren't melee.

Engi is never getting new buildings, that's like a fact.

Engi is never getting new buildings, that's like a fact.
There is a model for a new building hidden in the game files but nothing has been done with it

There is a model for a new building hidden in the game files but nothing has been done with it
The Repair Node? Wasn't that halted for a reason?

I thought of a neat little idea. What if the Engineer got a better sentry/dispenser at the expense of replacing the teleporters with boost pads so traveling isn't as fast but it will make do. Then again, you'd just have teammates partner up and mix with their buildings to have overpowered nests.

stackable sentries
(1 engie) 1 sentry: normal sentry
(2 engies) 2 sentries: quad-gun, dual rocket
(3 engies) 3 sentries: walking sentry bot with six rotating guns and a rapid fire rocket launcher

this needs to be a gamemode
sentry bot wars
« Last Edit: September 18, 2015, 01:58:35 AM by Daswiruch »

i was always thinking of a mobile sentry. use the the wrangler and the specific use sentry

it had no rockets at all and the rate of fire at a level 1 sentry, ran on metal, and required the aim of the user rather than being auto-aim. it could however be cheaper to produce, and when not in use reacted like a normal sentry and not use metal.

stackable sentries
(1 engie) 1 sentry: normal sentry
(2 engies) 2 sentries: quad-gun, dual rocket
(3 engies) 3 sentries: walking sentry bot with six rotating guns and a rapid fire rocket launcher

this needs to be a gamemode
sentry bot wars
The engi can now build armor, level 1 is just a small boost to his stats, second gives him samus' powersuit, and the last upgrade makes him a space marine.

100% proven balanced

the soda popper was loving amazing before they nerfed it. mini-crits left and right ayy lmao

Bang's response to the drama.
Tldr: Invasion was delayed because Valve needs to finish coding a map.

Bang's response to the drama.
Tldr: Invasion was delayed because Valve needs to finish coding a map.

everyone agreed

so it was just one guy being salty in that steam chat

The Repair Node? Wasn't that halted for a reason?

"The Repair Node was cut due to its tendency to break gameplay. While it made bases harder to destroy, it also revealed just how dependent the game was on Teleporters and Dispensers; taking either out ruined the class's effectiveness towards their team and greatly slowed the game's pace."

So pretty much that.

It was readded via SourceMod plugin, but I think it got trashed/unapproved a bit ago.

everyone agreed

so it was just one guy being salty in that steam chat

the soda popper was loving amazing before they nerfed it. mini-crits left and right ayy lmao
sure, you lose the magnificent critjuice the old soda popper gave you, but in return you can use hype's multiple jumps to completely forget with the enemy, and ambush from above because nobody ever looks up in TF2
also it shoots/reloads fast as all hell