Author Topic: gimmicky-ass TDMs and HOLY stuff STOP IT  (Read 15513 times)

Bushido, host your DMs more often. They are really fun and well-designed/built. I get inspired by your DMs to make my own. Maybe people will get an idea of what a good DM is and try to make one. There really was never a time I was bored at your server either, even if you were just building.

I also see what you're getting at. If you take the amount of players from pecon's, Cat123's, Glass', Reinforcement's and ArmyUnit's (knife DM, trench DMs, and boss battle), that's over 100 players. None of them are really a 'good' build and almost all of them get boring after about 10 minutes of playing them. I see lots of players that are really good at some of those DMs, like someone that's a really good knifer. But I would love to see them try a DM that requires actual teamwork and intelligence.

We definitely need more well-built, fun, and interesting servers. Like yours.

Knife tdm doesn't make any sence what so ever, I've been working on my tdm and I'm trying to make it big not some were there is a boss that will pwn classes or knifing ppl

If you need pics I'm happy to take pics

i dont even like boss battles anymore
all you see is people holding up the round and you cant get stuff
then all you get is these stuff items, and cant kill the boss.

For Knife DMs, they're plain stupid. All you do is jump around and click. Adding grapple was the worst idea ever. Theres no real skill to it.

Although, Some DMs I do like. I do miss jorgurs Dogfight :(

Boss battles is stuff. It's a loving waste of time and you can be kicked if you don't talk

Pecons boss Battles are poorly moderated.
Jetz is the "main" person of the server. He has the OP boss taht he has and his invincible. but i get De-admined because i got a hybrid boss. Big loving deal.

Most of the admins just sit there and talk. they dont "moderate" (helping the server). i banned someone for a GOOD REASON and i got de-admined for that lol.

Sad how people had a second chance but i couldnt get one.

All the Knife TDMs are useless waste of time. They're easy to make, and get the most attention. Like i said, they take no skill to do it. All you're doing is grappling and knifing. no skill. its 2 easy loving things put together.

Trench TDMs can get griefed/terrible very easily. It is very easy to destroy someones "barricades". Which is loving stupid. Your team can get killed very easily.

Although, there are only a few DMs that i miss the most. Jorgurs Dogfight servers were the best, because there werent very many DMs around. It was really fun, but then he stopped hosting, which was pretty sad :c

Most DMs consist of people getting points to get better weps. This is extreme unfair because then when you're new to the server, people can have like, a rocket launcher when you have a starting weapon. This means you cant get any kills at all and its super loving boring.

total rant :c

I hate it when you need points just to get better weps, that's stupid as forget

I hate it when you need points just to get better weps, that's stupid as forget

I hate this too. It also makes it unfair for new players as experienced players already have tons of powerful weapons that can't even be compared to your little default pistol that doesn't do jack stuff.

I hate it when you need points just to get better weps, that's stupid as forget
Yes. Yes. Yes.

I agree with this.
Another thing that's annoying is overspecialization.
I know, I'm guilty of this, but most DMs that aren't flat peices of stuff tend to try to stand out so much they end up being bloated and unfun.
What's wrong with a plain old simple deathmatch every now and again? ._  .

I do grapple sniper TDMs. They are more fun and require more skill than knife TDMs in my opinion.

I'm going to try and make a knife TDM without the damn platforms.
I suck at building but it'll probably be WAY DAMN better than all those sucky knife TDMS you posted pictures of.
I totally agree with you.

I might make some sort of open-area TDM with the Tier Tactical weapons if I have the time.
but right now those things loving hate me :C

Solution: someone buy bushico a dedicated server.