Author Topic: gimmicky-ass TDMs and HOLY stuff STOP IT  (Read 15511 times)

The most stupid loving thing I have ever seen is when there is a free build server and when you join it there is a default mini and you spawn In that mini. Then you get ppl shooting you and you can't even build

The most stupid loving thing I have ever seen is when there is a free build server and when you join it there is a default mini and you spawn In that mini. Then you get ppl shooting you and you can't even build

So much this.

I was supposed to host a TDM today with sorta a classic style to it.  :c

Bushers, host your 1-life TDM with the bridge in the middle. That was fun.

that was a really good OP

I've been thinking about making a thread like this but i guess you beat me to it. I loving hate those talentless starfishs too. They get to the top by "getting inspired" (ripping off) an idea that's been used for a super long time now. Its been a long time since i've seen a good TDM. Probably the best one was the first one i saw where you had to collect weapons and you spawned with a revolver in the beginning. The level design was great and the map looked really nice. Nothing was OP and everything was just fine.

Probably the reason why all of these stuffty ass knife TDM's exist is because of the hosting service people who host these turds and don't take any responsibility of who they offer their service and think about how will the server take impact on the community.  From the looks Cat123's Grapple Knife TDM has been hosted by someone who doesn't realize that helping to keep up stuffty uninspired fecal matter is helping to clear out the innovation and the building section from this game. That is probably the only reason along side with "It makes this game seem like a marketplace instead of a lego building game" as a reason why i absolutely hate people who advertise their hosting services on the general discussions and the immature friends who go to other peoples topics to brag about how much loving ram does their internet connection have.

The last DM I built was a tall central room, with several small rooms going out from that, with 'valves' scattered around that raise and lower the water level, with various gates and places that are blocked off or otherwise unreachable if the water level isn't in the right place. As for weapons I just threw in a bunch of random things that really didn't fit.

It was mostly to test out the water input events and environment control events.

Despite being just a test, that DM was one of the most fun I've ever played.

Pecon 7's server is bad, I was on it yesterday and some bosses were afk and everyone was annoyed. The build is so spammy I lag. The reason for this is because no one has made big walls! We need big wall bricks so it reduces the lag on some servers. On my tdm I'm using higher bricks so it doesn't lag at all.

if you're lagging on pecons' server for any reason besides a stuffty internet you probably need to upgrade your computer anyway

i mean yes it's bad but that's not why it's bad

Should we make a discussion thread for new gimmick DMs that sound fun?


I can't even support this more.

I tried making a thread about this issue (+ the dominant theme being real-life gun replicas and generic fps weapons) but then my arguments got lopsided and then drove off rails

I can't fathom why handicapped people are turning a core building game into a final-domination FPS engine

I agree with the OP wholeheartedly. The only way you can make this stop however is if everyone shared your opinion or thought exactly like you. What do you want Badspot to do? Instigate martial law on how servers are run? Not to mention that this is the same as any other bandwagon that people hop on to when something gets popular. The use of this topic extends as far to those who would agree and be willing to change their methods. And if you put that into retrospect, that may or may not be a lot of people.