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Author Topic: Betrayal in Block Boulevard (BBB) - Official Topic: Fixin' dat client!  (Read 39580 times)

I'm sure Wound knows about the work required in "managing" someone else's work :cookieMonster:

Oh man I see what you did there...  :cookieMonster:

yea what a joke, heh

Don't know why you are laughing when it is true lol.
because without them, you wouldn't have BBB.

because without them, you wouldn't have BBB.
yeah, that still means i managed it lol

never said i did it myself

because without them, you wouldn't have BBB.
Yeah, but unlike you, he didn't use his authority to control the developers and lack appreciation for their work.

Yeah, but unlike you, he didn't use his authority to control the developers and lack appreciation for their work.
I see you're still upset about getting banned from when I hosted siege for Kojo hahaha.

yeah, that still means i managed it lol
Not in any effective way, the mod would have been completely fine without you, besides the fact that they need a host.

Not in any effective way, the mod would have been completely fine without you, besides the fact that they need a host.
Well that's great. Here's your host, Nobot, and he can help out with stuff.

Where's the issue? You're attempting in a situation wherein the only difference is that the person isn't you.

Not in any effective way, the mod would have been completely fine without you, besides the fact that they need a host.
Are you stupid lol?
The mod wouldn't have gotten done because I started it since the beginning, 5 months ago.
It would be nothing without me because it wouldn't have happened.

Are you stupid lol?
The mod wouldn't have gotten done because I started it since the beginning, 5 months ago.
You had the idea and wanted a mod BBB, a spin off from TTT in gmod.

You thought Port was too lazy and got Alphadin to do it, I'm sure if Alphadin didn't know you and wanted to make BBB all for himself, he could.

They don't need you to make the add-on is what I'm saying.

Well that's great. Here's your host, Nobot, and he can help out with stuff.
I'm in the server everytime It's up, he doesn't help with much other than banning, which is a common admin.

Where's the issue? You're attempting in a situation wherein the only difference is that the person isn't you.
There is no issue, at all.
I was telling Tezuni that he should be giving credit to the actual makers that makes this add-on, a enjoyable playable gamemode.

You had the idea and wanted a mod BBB, a spin off from TTT in gmod.

You thought Port was too lazy and got Alphadin to do it, I'm sure if Alphadin didn't know you and wanted to make BBB all for himself, he could.

They don't need you to make the add-on is what I'm saying.
The thing is, nobody could have done this themselves.
Alphadin is a coder, mr.nobody is a builder, shad and aware are modelers, and I hired them.
If you are saying that the people I hired don't need me for the mod you are wrong.

We all need each other, every person did there own role in making BBB a great mod.

Sure, Alphadin could have coded it all himself. He did.
Sure, mr.nobody could have built that map if he wanted to. He did.
Sure, shad and aware could have modeled those guns. They did.

But I am the one who brought them together to complete it.

You're missing my whole entire point.

I'm saying they could have done it with out you, I know you brought them together, but If they all come together without you, It could still be a great mod like it is now.

You pretty much paid for everything here, all I see is you making the thread and hosting the gamemode.

You're missing my whole entire point.

I'm saying they could have done it with out you, I know you brought them together, but If they all come together without you, It could still be a great mod like it is now.

You pretty much paid for everything here, all I see is you making the thread and hosting the gamemode.

You are missing my point.

We all needed each other, they wouldn't have come together without me because I hired them all to be part of a group. That's like saying we don't need alphadin or something because we could have had another coder.

We all needed each other, they wouldn't have come together without me because I hired them all to be part of a group. That's like saying we don't need alphadin or something because we could have had another coder.
I'm not talking about a situation like now, sure you brought them together.
Actually you don't need all of them.

You can have a different scripter, modeler, builder.
but the point is they don't need you to make it a great mod like it is.  But you brought them together, honestly that doesn't matter in this point.
Yes I understand the mod could have never of been an idea without you, but I'm sure they didn't need any of your help to make it functional and good.

they could really just stop helping you and team up together to make it without you, even though all you really did was host the server and make the thread.

I'm not talking about a situation like now, sure you brought them together.
Actually you don't need all of them.

You can have a different scripter, modeler, builder.
but the point is they don't need you to make it a great mod like it is.  But you brought them together, honestly that doesn't matter in this point.
Yes I understand the mod could have never of been an idea without you, but I'm sure they didn't need any of your help to make it functional and good.

they could really just stop helping you and team up together to make it without you, even though all you really did was host the server and make the thread.
So what you are saying is lets say for example:

Steve Jobs creates Apple and starts the company and hired people to work on IPhones, etc.
They work on IPhones and market them. Both Steve Jobs and workers make bank.
You think that the workers don't need Steve Jobs?
Even though they get the same amount of credit, as being a contribution to the IPhone?

You are saying that my friends that I hired would leave me and continue functionality, but how would that work considering I paid them and its not only theirs, it's ours?

Your logic is flawed either way.
We all contributed and you make it seem like I did nothing, when I started this mod.
Try harder 0/10

This turned into drama pretty fast lol.
When will you be hosting this again nobot

This turned into drama pretty fast lol.
When will you be hosting this again nobot
probably tomorrow when I get the advanced ip thing from port so wound is out for good lol