Author Topic: Blockland is dying  (Read 20777 times)

well if i wanted to start a internet business i would do it the right way, with proper business tax ID's, real advertising/marketing tools, a business plan and more then wishes to pay for it's expenses.

Oh stuff! i have! :)

this thread made me lol  :cookieMonster:

well if i wanted to start a internet business i would do it the right way, with proper business tax ID's, real advertising/marketing tools, a business plan and more then wishes to pay for it's expenses.

Oh ice cream! i have! :)
First of all,  Service != Business.  Second of all, how old are you mr "business man?"

well i don't expect bj to know what i do for a living, i don't whore my business all over a forum where i come to game. but its no secret to several of the community.


excuse me if you didn't understand the first time.
I ran a SERVICE not a business.  Also, I'm incapable to do all the taxes and ice cream.  I'm 16.  I'm about 2 years away from doing all of that crap. 

No link == no proof.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 09:12:56 PM by BJway_Bandit »

keep yer panties on, im putting together links to sites i work for and services i ship through, and accounts i run.

few of these guys in here were asking about this anyway, ill give them some startup candy

I bet he wont even share his personal suppliers, we will see. He will give you guys the ones that he got bored of already.
my current ones he gave me last:
belonging to the communities can earn you better access to more private suppliers if your not noob at it, with better profit. if they find you are reliable, or meet some requirements.
i wouldnt know because i always wait for him to give up ones he dont like anymore.

knowing you guys, im sure he will give up a few good ones anyway. hes not as nice to me :(
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 09:58:58 PM by cookie »

hahaha.  That's what he does?  That's not a business.  That's being the middle man in a big gay sandwich called personal ecommerce.  Pardon me for not being impressed.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 10:09:21 PM by BJway_Bandit »

well then its great making good easy money not having been in a real business.
What do you do for money? Selling products on the internet is half of what e-commerce even is.
we have no boss and answer to no one, while sharing our profits with no one.
win-win compared to most other jobs.

theres no middle man involved, we ship from factory to buyer. hell thats what like 90% of what eBay even is.
anything that makes profit and requires a business tax ID is a legal business.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 10:14:34 PM by cookie »

insults from someone who "cant find a job" attacking me for making a fun easy living for myself.
i don't know whats more funny. the fact that I have some stupid internet job, or some kid is going to one-up me with his failing "service"

As a fellow internet business man (stores, blogs, webdesign, etc) I can say it doesn't matter what the hell you do online as long as you make money. If people pay you something for your effort, then it's a business. Simple as that. I can't think of any exceptions.

BTW, RTB doesn't have any ill feelings towards Badspot and BL. We love BL and only aim to support it in every way we can.

lol jacey and her munee.

im still putting it together, ill pry just post a thread in off topic about it a little later, since i know a handful of guys around here have been asking me all sorts of junk.

details how a person can find wholesale suppliers for any products they want, compete, advertise. what sites to use, and some details a person would need to know to sell online at any site, or even their own website if working as a individual product pusher.

NOTE: its legit personal business practise.
you don't pay subscriptions or down payment for "online business packages", there is no referring, and your not referred under another.
your all alone. hardcore struggling home business lol


hahaha.  That's what he does?  That's not a business.  That's being the middle man in a big gay sandwich called personal ecommerce.  Pardon me for not being impressed.

well...where do all websites get their products to sell? they all make them in their own factories? Best buy and other large business can just grab and go from these places but why cant the little guy? theres only a few requirements to meet to be let into those supply. and you could sell for less then best buy could if you wanted.

"personal ecommerce" as you call it, is the god of money making.
Im no different then any little business in town, cept i dont have to pay employees, or rent a building, or stock my own products, or pay shipping on anything, or compete in the small world of the local community.
I took the easy way
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 10:51:06 PM by Bisjac »

insults from someone who "cant find a job" attacking me for making a fun easy living for myself.
i don't know whats more funny. the fact that I have some stupid internet job, or some kid is going to one-up me with his failing "service"
The main reason I can't find a job is because I want to get a good hard working job.  I was raised with the notion that you should work for your money.  I may be getting $30 a week mowing the lawn but it's much more valuable then the money you get by being lazy.  Also, I'm not some kid.  I'm the kid that will very likely be one of the people that a person like you works for in the future.

lol jacey and her munee.

im still putting it together, ill pry just post a thread in off topic about it a little later, since i know a handful of guys around here have been asking me all sorts of junk.

details how a person can find wholesale suppliers for any products they want, compete, advertise. what sites to use, and some details a person would need to know to sell online at any site, or even their own website if working as a individual product pusher.

NOTE: its legit personal business practise.
you don't pay subscriptions or down payment for "online business packages", there is no referring, and your not referred under another.
your all alone. hardcore struggling home business lol
Hardcore should only be used in your situation with the word friendry after it.  Because that's all that "ebaying" professionally is, hardcore friendry. 

hahaha.  That's what he does?  That's not a business.  That's being the middle man in a big gay sandwich called personal ecommerce.  Pardon me for not being impressed.

well...where do all websites get their products to sell? they all make them in their own factories? Best buy and other large business can just grab and go from these places but why cant the little guy? theres only a few requirements to meet to be let into those supply. and you could sell for less then best buy could if you wanted.

"personal ecommerce" as you call it, is the god of money making.
Im no different then any little business in town, cept i dont have to pay employees, or rent a building, or stock my own products, or pay shipping on anything, or compete in the small world of the local community.
I took the easy way
I would like to note that Self Delete is commonly called "the easy way"

Mocheeze, you actually earn money by producing something so you're in a different category.