Author Topic: Call of Duty: Ghosts Megathread  (Read 12568 times)

Well at least they're changing something!
not surprising, they have advertised a new engine for the past 3 games or so.

graphicsgraphicsgraphicsgraph icsgraphics

what about the actual gameplay you twits

Oh great, another generic dubstep 360noscope 9-year old kids using mics and insulting everyone because he got killed by a gun that was implemented a lot of times on any shooting game or by an OP knife, with re-used graphics with overused lighting effects everywhere, explosions directed by Michael Bay and a generic storyline about some random soldier on a world war 3 bullstuff that costs 60 dollars and make Activision to laugh at it's own fandom sitting on a chair made out of money bags, also useless DLCs about the most original idea ever, zombies! And the worst of all, we are getting this every year, it's like FIFA all over again
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 02:43:46 AM by Filipe »

mw2 and mw3 dont count!
please explain how mw3's story made any sense or followed any linear path like how stories traditionally do

after digging it appears that ghosts is about what's left of the US military fighting some evil bad guys who took over after a meteor shower destabilized the US government and allowed a foreign/possibly corporate power to seize control

thanks for nothing you loving cuntbag

Oh great, another generic dubstep 360noscope 9-year old kids using mics and insulting everyone because he got killed by a gun that was implemented a lot of times on any shooting game or by an OP knife, with re-used graphics with overused lighting effects everywhere, explosions directed by Michael Bay and a generic storyline about some random soldier on a world war 3 bullstuff that costs 60 dollars and make Activision to laugh at it's own fandom sitting on a chair made out of money bags, also useless DLCs about the most original idea ever, zombies! And the worst of all, we are getting this every year, it's like FIFA all over again

thank you for consolidating everyone's opinions on this into one post

i was really worried i'd have to go back 2 pages to see for myself, indeed, everyone's thoughts on the matter

Oh great, another generic dubstep 360noscope 9-year old kids using mics and insulting everyone because he got killed by a gun i still dont get how people don't know about the mute button. hell its not even that hard, there was a mute everybody button in bo2. that was implemented a lot of times on any shooting game or by an OP knife the knife is actually pretty balanced. you have to get within 1-2 feet and before that try not to get hit by the shower of bullets coming your way. i think that justifies for a 1 hit kill, with re-used graphics at this point i dont even know if you watched to trailer, they even compare the graphics to mw3. with overused lighting effects everywhere, explosions directed by Michael Bay see: bf4 trailer for michael bay explosions. also its a war game, explosions are kind of fitting and a generic storyline about some random soldier on a world war 3 bullstuff that costs 60 dollars implying that only cod costs 60 dollars and make Activision to laugh at it's own fandom sitting on a chair made out of money bags i dont even know what you said here, something about fandoms?, also useless DLCs about the most original idea ever, zombies! protip: zombies arent in this game And the worst of all, we are getting this every year, it's like FIFA all over againthis i agree with, i would understand if infinity ward took a year and a half to two years to finish their games.

what he's saying about fandom->Activision knows the majority of CoD's fanbase is composed of idiots who will give up money for the same game 6 years in a row.

knife balance->"1-2 feet" is a pretty damn long range for a close-quarters weapon, not to mention it locks on and loving makes you fly towards your target if you're in that range. also, the auto-targeting stuff with the knife is weird as hell. you can be facing slightly to the right of someone and have it miss completely, while facing slightly to the left makes you fly towards them. wat.

the knife is one of the more balanced weapons but the game balance itself is so forgeted up, that doesn't say much at all

knife balance->"1-2 feet" is a pretty damn long range for a close-quarters weapon
you either have really short arms or have/use forgeted up cq weapons

in-game, it's more like 1-2 feet off the end of the weapon, or 5 feet away from the person.

please explain how mw3's story made any sense or followed any linear path like how stories traditionally do

after digging it appears that ghosts is about what's left of the US military fighting some evil bad guys who took over after a meteor shower destabilized the US government and allowed a foreign/possibly corporate power to seize control

thanks for nothing you loving cuntbag
it was a joke you dense prick

also anyone who really complains about the engine is a loving twat.

Well at least they're changing something!
The same thing was used ever since MW2 because Activision is some sort of a loving depressant drug

but that's still okay because all the community cares about are boosting and trick shots!


wtf is wrong with this franchise nowadays :(

and the MW2 is just a slightly modified CoD4 engine, which is modified from the CoD2 engine, which is based on id Tech 3.

Well at least they're changing something!
If it ain't broke don't fix it. Not sure what you guys don't get about this. People love it because its the same as the original, if IW went and changed a whole lot it wouldn't really be a series, now would it.

and the MW2 is just a slightly modified CoD4 engine, which is modified from the CoD2 engine, which is based on id Tech 3.
and dota 2 is on a modified source engine, which is used by portal 2, which is used by half life 2.