Author Topic: 2013/06/01 - Blockland Sales Data  (Read 46487 times)

I don't want to be the first to don the tinfoil hat, but is there some other community that doesn't want this game on steam for some reason besides the fact they won't buy it?

I guess there were those stuffnuggets that thought putting it on steam would ~ruin the community~

Other large, friendly, block-building games :)

I tried to avoid mentioning them...

edit: I found a forum topic where they all take say they are thumbsdowning it so I guess the tinfoil hat is working
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 01:17:02 AM by onyx6 »

I tried to avoid mentioning them...

edit: I found a forum topic where they all take say they are thumbsdowning it so I guess the tinfoil hat is working


well, immaturity and emotion-driven decisionmaking exists, and it will always exist.

the only thing we can really do is to ignore it, or make ourselves a better example. throwing stuff at each other never works to solve the problem; however, they haven't really realized that and still continue to throw stuff at us while we just ignore it.

some part of me just wonders why that game doesn't have a better community/player base. i know some people IRL who play it and they are decent, smart people and wouldn't really condone what has been going on in terms of stealing/bashing blockland's stuff.

those numbers look great; sometimes i just don't get why we aren't greenlit yet when its clear that this game is much better, compared to some that are greenlit and are atrociously simple and/or short-lived.

i haven't found a game with a better replay value than blockland, and I highly doubt I will.

Greenlight from another indie developer's perspective.

Perhaps we should run a Kickstarter campaign for some addition to the game? Adventure mode ahoy?

Greenlight from another indie developer's perspective.

Perhaps we should run a Kickstarter campaign for some addition to the game? Adventure mode ahoy?
I'm pretty sure that
1. Noone will pledge
2. You can't have kickstarter campaigns for already finished games

Greenlight from another indie developer's perspective.

Perhaps we should run a Kickstarter campaign for some addition to the game? Adventure mode ahoy?
Lewis' post after that comment brings up some good points. Everyone keeps saying, "oh we need a new video.", "oh we need this new features...", etc and I honestly think it won't help Blockland get greenlit in the slightest. The only thing that gets games greenlit is publicity and that's been proven again and again. Badspot needs to start pushing the game out there. I would start first by following what Lewis recommends. From there I would do things such as advertise to places such as /r/lego or /r/minecraft where people would be interested in the game. Have the community make megathreads on Facepunch, Minecraft forums, Lego forums, Neogaf, SomethingAwful, etc. Do all of these in a short time span and I'm sure Blockland's vote rate will jump quite a bit.

I agree with this, 62 games are greenlit, and almost half of them are from the very first group of greenlit games, still not released yet. Only 35 games have been released, most of them being games you could have already bought before being greenlit. If sales of a game are suppose to affect being greenlit or not, most of these games shouldn't be on there anyways. I think that they should change it to only games that are actually released and making profit should be able to be greenlit.
Oh, so you should need to be already selling your game to be able to sell it. Makes sense.

advertise to places such as /r/lego or /r/minecraft where people would be interested in the game
I think I'm going to do /r/minecraft.

EDIT: I read the rules of the page, apparently advertising Youtube videos counts as spam. Wonder if that is the case for people advertising games?

EDIT2: I'm doing the post for /r/lego
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 10:10:42 AM by Tonkka² »

I think I'm going to do /r/minecraft.

EDIT: I read the rules of the page, apparently advertising Youtube videos counts as spam. Wonder if that is the case for people advertising games?

EDIT2: I'm doing the post for /r/lego
I was implying Badspot should specifically buy advertisement in those locations, but I guess a post works. If it turns out bad, well there's no such thing as bad publicity.

i'd totally pledge to a blockland kickstarter if it was for adding a lego island style adventure mode

There has been a game called Blockland out in the internet for a while now. To be exact, the game was publicly playable in 2004 which makes it almost 10 years old.

Blockland is a "Lego" style sandbox building game developed on a test created by Eric "Badspot" Hartman. It doesn't necessarily have any goals. The player can choose what they want to do, and activities in the vanilla version arrange from fighting zombies in a bunker you build with your own hands to destroying your 1:1 replica of the Death Star (Which you also built with your own hands) with a rocket launcher. Blockland is a great game for the Lego builder who doesn't have enough money to afford giant piles of Lego's so they can build their miniature dream home. What the game offers to the person who actually has money to afford giant piles of Lego's is that after you build your house or a wooden spaceship, you can move around in it as a little mini figure who's appearance is all up to you.

The unique features this game has over other building games is its Mini-game and Events system, both of which we will be going over now.

The events system allows you to "script" bricks to have different reactions and events happen when you interact with them in different ways. You can make bricks invisible when touched, turn blue when shot with a projectile etc. The possibilities are pretty much endless. The events system is fairly easy to learn and use since the "scripting part" is twice as simple as the "scripting" you may encounter in the program "Scratch". All you have to do is select a trigger, the target and the action which will occur. The eventing system can be used to create all kinds of security cameras and calculators if the person making them is skilled enough.

The Mini-game system allows players to create their own Mini-games. The reason why this system is so unique, is because the players who don't want to fight or kill zombies can build without interruption. There can be multiple mini-games running at the same time in a single server which results  in utter mayhem, but everyone is still having the type of fun they want to have while still being able to talk to each other. The mini-games can be easily modified from respawn time, what you gain score from and what weapons or items you spawn with. They are easy to set up, join, leave and manage.

This game also offers other great features such as:

-Dynamic lighting and shadows for looking at your builds in the best quality

-A great building system where you can build with 128 000 bricks.

-Good server list which is easy to filter and use

-LAN mode in which only the host of the server has to buy the game

-A great modification system where mods can be easily installed by saving the downloaded add-on straight to the game's add-ons folder. All kinds of mods can be downloaded from client-sided scripts, Avatar decals & faces, vehicles and weapons to bricks, special effects that can be applied to bricks and items.

The community of Blockland consists of fairly mature players which has usually lead to complaints from younger users who think that those mature users are mean because said users correct the youngsters logic or grammar. Online play is a big part of the game along with the community, and the chat can be disabled entirely if you are a parent and worried about what your child sees online.

You right now may be thinking "Oh boy, what a bad game" or "Hmm, sounds like a really good game, What's the catch?". If its the first one, you should have stopped reading long time ago. If its the latter, the game doesn't have any monthly, weekly or yearly fee's like games such as Roblox or Lego Universe. Instead the game just wants 20$ and will send an unique key to your creditcard email to register the full version with.

The game can be bought from

After looking at some of the pictures on the site you may wonder: Why isn't the creator being sued by Lego? Well, he isn't. Blockland is different enough from Lego to not be the subject of a court case. Earlier in the game's lifespan when it was free to play and had the appearance of Lego, the creator of the game Eric "Badspot" Hartman was flown to Denmark by the Lego company to discuss a deal where he would sell the rights of Blockland to Lego and allow Hartman to work on the game for at least a year. He never heard from Lego since, so he decided to change the appearance of the growing young game and start selling it for 20$.

Personally i think this game is great. It kept me entertained for a long period of time and i don't regret a single second i spent on the game.

How does this sound?

EDIT: Updated it a bit.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 11:02:56 AM by Tonkka² »

2. You can't have kickstarter campaigns for already finished games
yes you can, if it's for adding more features