Author Topic: TITANIC (Latest update pg. 38. Current as of 13 Mar 15)  (Read 82289 times)

Here's a mini update. I made one of the watertight doors. This one is in the forward part of the engine room leading into the #1 boiler room.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 11:17:59 PM by Bones4 »

Remousamavi improved the design of the door itself and evented it to open and close and the exact speeds the actual door operated at. It's something you have to see for yourself to appreciate. Meanwhile, I continued to add details to the boiler areas. You can see the hatches to access the coal bunkers in this screen. They were simply pulled up via a chain pulley system. Then you scooped out coal. You can also see the boiler room telegraph closer to the camera. Ignore the bricks near the door. The are temporary door controls.

This is a very artistic drawing you have their.

why are all the pictures of photobucket?

why are all the pictures of photobucket?
Because they use Photobucket.

Here's a blast from the past

These images were taken from the exact same angle in both cases. I find it interesting that the bulkhead in the engine pic (the wall at the bottom right of the pic) is somehow the same position and height 5 years later and after numerous rebuilds.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 12:47:23 PM by Bones4 »

Later I would like to see a comparison gif to the original smaller scale model you made of the hull. But for now I give you ice cream for all the hard work you have been doing.  :iceCream:

those engines hmmm
also what are those things behind the engines?

I haphazardly chopped off the top half of the ship to show the area that we've been working on.

You never stop being cool, do you?

also what are those things behind the engines?
If you mean the white thing, it's the controls for a watertight door. If you mean the black thing, part of the pipes that connect the steam engines to their respective condensers.

I remember whenever you guys weren't even finished with the stern except for some of the deck and hull but the rest was just a gaping hole and unfinished rooms and barely any of the bow or it's hull was finished.

I'm curious on how you will implement water without flooding the interior. Got some snazzy custom solution?

I'm curious on how you will implement water without flooding the interior. Got some snazzy custom solution?
As said before, as it stands right now the interior simply floods whenever we raise the water level to the proper height, and we do not have anything in the works to fix it. We would be interested in any scripters etc. who might have a solution, though.