
How many pages will this thread have when it finally dies?

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Author Topic: Nations at War - Closing Time!  (Read 210444 times)

literally every other being in the universe
bacteria and all
-crushes flagship with sheer weight-

Flagship uses apexic deconcentration pulse.


Flagship uses apexic deconcentration pulse.

it's been crushed
also it's 201 so it doesn't matter now

Rebel snipers begin to take out PEMU occupational forces before disappearing in the woods, and unescorted government vehicles have a tendency to be ambushed in forested or mountainous areas.
Snipers are picked off by pre-positioned snipers before they can get 10 yards from their home towns.

e: as well as people who are idiotic enough to simply leave their towns and head into the mountains with weapons in hand.

Man yaslovakians a sure is dumb
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 04:35:58 AM by blazerblock2 »

Snipers are picked off by pre-positioned snipers before they can get 10 yards from their home towns.
Man, those guys are really dedicated, how long have they been there?
e: as well as people who are idiotic enough to simply leave their towns and head into the mountains with weapons in hand.
Whoops, there go a few hunters.
Man yaslovakians a sure is dumb

Considering the year is frozen, a day.  Also weapons are strictly prohibited in Abdullahi.  These towns are also non cooperative and refuse to let others in.  We could be starfishs and crush them but we're giving them the chance to surrender.

Considering the year is frozen, a day.  Also weapons are strictly prohibited in Abdullahi.  These towns are also non cooperative and refuse to let others in.  We could be starfishs and crush them but we're giving them the chance to surrender.
Technology was frozen.
Not year.
(at-least that is what i understood)

Well other snipers would have come to take their shifts anyways, plus spotters and snipers switch roles in the Abdullahian military when the sniper is too tired to perform his duty, and usually sleeps.

A "wake up call" protocol is put into effect where longbow fires two HE shells each morning next to rebellious towns at undesirable times in the morning and proves to be quite bothersome.  They will only stop when they fly the Abdullahian flag and will either leave or cooperate with the new government.

Towns that are cooperative receive extra food rations and supplies for their cooperation and allegiance.

The year isn't frozen, just the tech level.  I'm the OP, not God.  I can't slow time down.

They were dumb rebels, too, if they were returning to their hometowns from a mission instead to back to the hidden rebel camps, which would seem to indicate that you shot up a few hunters.  Counter snipers kill many of the Abdullahian snipers for this attack on civilian hunters.

Blazer, what the devil is the demonym for Abdullahi?  Abdullahi?  Abdullahian?  Of Abdullahi?

Well Swat (& blazer), if you won't leave willingly you will simply be deposed by the will of the people as has happened for centuries to occupying forces.  When will people learn to use indirect power, or at least to take Machiavelli's advise?

Rebel forces continue to cry for a reformed Yaslovakia and the ousting of the occupation forces by ambushing occupational forces.  It is reported that one rebel group was able to shoot down a helicopter with an RPG; the man who claims responsibility for this was caught as he got drunk and bragged about it in a bar, causing a very large fight.  In the Abdullahi-occupied zone, a number of the rebel groups organize the Night of Rubber on a new moon.  When the occupied zone awoke, tens of thousands of tires were stolen, slashed, or burned; local mechanics mysteriously run out of tires, and black smoke rises from around the cities.

A large mob in Boston riots, burning occupational force buildings, overturning cars, looting, and beating the tar out of any turncoats they find.  The mob is put down by occupation forces, but the attitude of many Bostonians is clear.

Towns loyal to the occupation are harassed by their neighbors and rebels.  Broken windows, trash fires, slashed tires, nothing too serious.  Just enough to remind them that they are scum.

The AC drafts a constitution for Yaslovakia to utilize in future if it chooses (Yaslovakia can decline this constitution and there will be no consequences) guaranteeing the basic human rights and setting up a framework for a stable government, and it can work well for a republic or a constitutional monarchy, or just about whatever, frankly.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 08:05:33 AM by Plethora »

An occupational speaker mentions in a speach that the Yaslovakia that the rebels cry for is more found here than in the native homeland.  The homeland is currently a fascist state, and the Erinaum-occupied land is a protectorate region, and rights to elect native officials is allowed.  Protection of Yaslovakian culture is a natural provision.

If they want the old ways of Yaslovakia, then Erinaum can deliver.

Boston rioters are rounded up and are not seen for a fortnight, and return as moderate members of society, convinced that Erinaum is present to protect Yaslovakian society.

The ERV Sånkt Releiou rests offshore, and strikes next to a rebel camp with a HE shell that rips a mountainside apart.  Letters from family members urge the rebels to lay down arms.  Erinaum does not want to fight, but has no choice to make the following poins:
"Resisting will only be a waste of life."
"The rebels beg for what Erinaum offers, and yet they do not take it."

Erinamese occupational centers fly both the Erinamese and Yaslovakian flags.  Erinamese officials wear Yaslovakian styles and suits.  The Erinamese government goes to great lengths to make the protectorate welcome as brothers.  Western Erinamese schools require Yaslovakian as a language requirement.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 08:31:19 AM by SWAT One »

In response to "Resisting will only be a waste of life."  the rebels agree.  Erinaum and Abdullahi  waste the lives of their brave soldiers by trying to keep the land of blood.
The rebels do not beg for what Erinaum offers.  They demand it on their own terms.

It is noted that Erinamese children in Yaslovakian schools are social outcasts, although acts of violence against them are rare.

Upon seeing what has happened to the rioters, many in the occupied zones become paranoid of brainwash.  Association with these "zombies" becomes taboo.  Several of them commit Self Delete.

An IED explodes in an occupational government office building killing several turncoats, destroying many records, and starting a fire that renders the building unusable until repairs can be made.  The flags from many occupational centers are stolen.  The Yaslovakian ones are honored by many Rebel groups and housed in the main tent/cave of rebel camps, but the Erinamese ones are used to make undergarments and diapers which are sent to the families.

Letters are sent back (left where they'll be found), often saying something to the effect of: "I cannot lay down arms.  Not while the invaders remain."

It is discovered that one of the stolen crates housed multiple bat bombs, hundreds of hibernating bats, and the devices used for starting bat bomb fires.  In New York City, fires break out throughout the city around noon.

Rebels continue to ambush occupational forces and target especially the "Erinamese scum" that dishonors their ancestral uniforms.  These men receive the worst treatment and their bodies are often found with mutilated faces.

The Erinamese had something else in mind.

Seeing that the rebels continue to be unruly, and only wish to negotiate impossible terms, the Sånkt Releiou fires, once every 5 seconds.  Rebel bases across the occupied wilderness explode as HE shells tear them up, leaving no survivors.  Medusa turns off communications in the new claim.  ETOUs locate and destroy any weapons caches.  KTOUs and PI-primes destroy supply lines and any remaining rebel forces in the wilderness.  SEMTs are set up on top of very high places, set to fire beams upon any who is carrying a gun without having specialized Erinamese gloves.  (Contain biological patent locks).  SMs strike rebel fortifications until there is nothing left but rubble.  Medusa flips back on, and all communications are monitored.

The airwaves fill with the following speech:  "It is an utter shame that the rebellious force saw no reason.  They wanted freedom in a Yaslovakia that gave it.  We offered the freedoms they requested, a government in which we would allow freedom of choice, and by refusing and causing public unrest, they have forced our hand.  Within one hour, the unreasonable and vile pirates have met justice.  We came to welcome you all as brothers, to give you service, and to be servants to your will, but it is evident that you still prefer the unforgiving regime of the past.  Those who are loyal will be rewarded, but those who disoby will face deportation or death."

Cities are being searched by Vanguards and Marshals.

Planes sweep the countryside in search of more rebel bases, to destroy any they find.  Poison gas is being sprayed to exterminate bats once the populus is evacuated to process this.  The borders are closed.  Anyone to violate the borders will be killed, regardless of alliance.  Hidden Infrared SEMTs assure that.  Range of detection 5km, range of interception limited to 0.5km of turret or 50m of border.  ETOUs also watch the border.

Channels remain open should the rebellious force choose to surrender.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 09:39:23 AM by SWAT One »

The rebels only wish to own their homeland.  When Erinaum and Abdullahi leave, they will be satisfied.

Rebel forces attack at night.  Radio towers and communications positions are attacked.  Wires are cut.  Parts for armored vehicles are stolen and destroyed.  Railroads and bridges are sabotaged.  Cities are attacked less often and the rebels are choosing to ambush occupation forces where they are more isolated.

An occupation base is attacked but not successfully taken.  There was quite a bit of damage, and the rebel death count is unknown as they took as many of their bodies with them as they were able.

An entire turncoat town is burned to the ground.  Only the children were saved, plus some of the women who recanted their turncoat ideas.

The rebels start to use paper communication in a language that was created in the early days in the event of this.  Only cell leaders know it, and commit Self Delete if capture appears probable.

A medium sized Erinamese naval vessel experiences an explosion just below water level.  It seems that in the night, swimmers attached several powerful explosives a few feet below water level before swimming away undetected.

Bases?  There are camps of no more than fifteen or twenty men a piece.  Guevara style rebels.  The rebels continue to move around, finding caves, digging tunnels, setting up hard to spot shelters in thick forests, &c. &c.

If the fires have gone off the bats are already quite dead.

The names of dead rebels appear carved into boulders throughout the occupation zone.  Rebel leaders also record the names in log books should the Erinamese invades desecrate these monuments.

Lol like I haven't been scanning areas with interest with Infrared satellites.  I'm going to have to say a void as standard Erinamese protocol for spying is to use infrared.  I will accept some damages, but this upscaled manner of attack is unreasonable.  Sonar devices begin to pinpoint locations of underground bases and Longbow collapses tunnels.  Marshals, 500,000 in number, and Vanguards, 20,000 in number, storm in from West Erinaum, eradicating the threat with minimal losses.  Electric-powered drones fly perpetually in the air as FL chains keep them charged.  These drones target anyone out who isn't marked as a loyalist.