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Author Topic: Nations at War - Closing Time!  (Read 210278 times)

Counter snipers kill many of the Abdullahian snipers for this attack on civilian hunters.
They failed to observe the laws of their new rulers.

Counter Snipers are quickly taken out before they even have the chance, considering that they are sniping from a town where every open window, every glare of sunlight, every passerby is being observed.  "They snuck the rifle past" won't cut it, either, so don't try that with me.

Abdullahi, having none of this rebellious behavior, will have to proceed ruling with an iron fist as it always has, and crush the rebellion with its iron boot.  Longbow cannons edge their barrels ever so slightly to the side and begin firing, seven rounds every minute strike rebellious towns, sending buildings tumbling down in a plume of dust and ruble, killing hundreds.

The rebels who are returning to their alleged hideouts are tracked back to said hideouts and surgical airstrikes proceed, blowing each hideout into oblivion using 2,000 lb bombs.  Infantry move in and sweep up the remains.

After hours of shelling, infantry move in on rebellious towns and apprehend survivors and kill armed men and/or women.  Dead bodies and captives are taken to the next town over to be identified by friends and family members as men and women who died or were captured fighting for a fascist government that no longer rules over these lands.  They will be kept in local prisons where visits will be allowed but no one may touch anyone else.  Until they learn to accept the new government and observe its laws, they will be kept in said camps.

All remaining rebel camps are under watch and each town, each government building, each military base are now under the protection of soldiers in addition to law enforcement.  Unwarranted searches are performed by Nyoka and local law enforcement.  Cooperators are rewarded with two hundred ration tickets (1 ration ticket allows for one extra ration).

Towns that were destroyed will be rebuilt and repaired for people who wish to move south in Abdullahi.  Enlistment stands are set up in each town and city taken, although they don't receive many visitors at all.

Erinaum also adopts the cooperation ticket system.

Blazer has the authority to take the reigns.  I knew Pleth was going to powergame and so I didn't sleep all night.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 10:18:07 AM by SWAT One »

Void yourself.  Rebels could easily do that.  They pick logistical and communication targets, attack them when advantageous, and in often have military (rogue soldiers) experience plus a central cause.  

Anyone who thinks they can win a war like what this is turning into (Vietnam/Afghanistan) where the people don't particularly like you, you're not familiar with the terrain, and reconciliation efforts have failed clearly isn't living in the same reality as me.  At the very least you can't win it without turning huge tracts of land into a desert.  The "Area of interest" is by rights half the countryside.

The rebels continue to move about and attack occupation forces.  Several drones are shot down by rebels sporting captured Erinamese gear.

Seeing the glorious cause of freedom, but being unable to leave the cities for rebel groups, thousands of Yaslovakian men congregate to Boston where they engage in a huge sit in/hunger strike.

Sniping from a town?  Oh blazer you're hilarious.  Sniping from the bushes, from the trees.  What moron would try to do that from a town?

I don't powergame.  This is how occupations usually go.  Whereas I am fully rested :)

I have still yet to be told what the devil an FL is.

Sniping from a town?  Oh blazer you're hilarious.  Sniping from the bushes, from the trees.  What moron would try to do that from a town?
Every man or woman who leaves is still watched closely.  They would have been spotted in no time and shot.

Blazer's version:
People leave for the mountains before things turn this ugly.
People come back once to counter snipe.
They all die.

More realistic version:
People leave for the mountains before things turn this ugly.
People come back once to counter snipe.
Some rebels are killed, others kill.
Rebels melt back into the wilderness.

Mkay no.  Did it occur to you that Erinaum uses satellites using Infrared?  Rebels can't capture that stuff.  Therefore your takeovers are voided, your captured Erinamese gear is voided when we have realtime 3d video of the field in visible light, infrared, you name it.  Medusa has a grasp on all electronic communications, and roughly every 5 seconds, a camp is wiped out.  We can see things pan out before they happen, and we've been wiping out these so-called rebels in droves.  The only reason you use them to your end in this way is to achieve your wanton will of controlling YA.  I'm not buying this "realism" of which you speak when surveillance had been taken during the war, before the war, and soldiers got to personally see the lay of the land.  Bull.  stuff.

Not to mention with the time scale it'd be about March-April now.  They have few rations, and it's cold as forget out there.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 10:34:40 AM by SWAT One »

You seem to think that the military is somehow inferior in training and fire superiority to the rebels, when this is not the case, especially against untrained ragtag teams of civilians who picked their guns off of dead soldiers.  And don't try to tell me that Yaslovakian soldiers are among their ranks, because we just went to war with them, they would have been killed.

Not only that, but Plethora, you extrapolated the human will.  Belonging in one nation or another, given the option of rights that weren't offered when they demanded them?  You think morale would be so high to oust the occupational forces when we offered them better than what they originally demanded at our expense?  This is clearly fought with AC wanting to grab land indirectly, as opposed to some realistic rebel force.

No, actually.  I am not after more land.  I have plenty.  My intention is to restore Yaslovakia sans fascism.  Unlike you I am not out for my own personal gain in this instance; I'm in it to stop all this stuff you're doing.  Frankly, a crap ton of your own actions are unrealistic.  Railguns that fire every five seconds, superpowerful hacking computers that can float around a program in the ether, for that matter, railguns that don't destroy themselves from constant use.  I do this to stop the powergaming once and for all on this RP, or at least your brand of it.

I was overly lenient with things like this in the past.  I was biased, and didn't call bull on you when I ought to have early on because you were my ally, a lesson in objectivity that is not lost on me.  By rights I should have stopped the wheel when it turned to things that don't exist, forced people to use planes and guns and stuff that exist in reality.  But too late now.

Yes, there are soldiers in their ranks.  You didn't kill all of them and plenty of them have fallen comrades to avenge.  Are they the better soldiers?  Maybe.

Do occupations usually work out too well?  No, not in the age of guerrilla warfare.  Just saying.  Am I using this fact to my advantage?  Absolutely.

I void you voiding.

Also, I don't think it would endear the Yaslovakians to the Erinamese to know that Big Brother is watching their friends and neighbors.

I'm sorry, but if Canada invaded New England and offered to make things better, I don't think too many Americans would be down with that.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 10:53:41 AM by Plethora »

swat one is acting like he's the one in charge here.

Yes, he is.  And if he wants to be he can start his own version of this, nothing stops him.

Yes, there are soldiers in their ranks.  You didn't kill all of them and plenty of them have fallen comrades to avenge.  Are they the better soldiers?  Maybe.
"Welp, war is over, better go wander into enemy territory."

swat one is acting like he's the one in charge here.
why does it seem like the swats always kill the earth rp fun
called it

Then restore it one part at a time.  I said that it would be given back given that Yaslovakia could demonstrate that it was a stable and respectable republic, but you didn't want to wait.

Who says that railguns have to be one-barrelled or loaded by direct mechanism.  Take the tech limits I have and put them to most efficient use.  That's how I always roll, and some call power game or "fun-ruiner".

No, it's called resourcefulness and creativity.  I don't roll by the same book that anyone defines.  I stride on the tangible, but strive for the intangible that you may subjectively see.  The science is there.

There are easy ways to defeat Medusa.  No one sees the solution, but it's so simple that it's almost laughable.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 11:02:50 AM by SWAT One »

"Welp, war is over, better go wander into enemy territory."
"Well, they killed my brother.  They burned my home.  They took my land.  I have some revenge to take."

Yes you did, Jairo.  Yes you did.

Swat, you gave no credit toward YSA being a better nation when it came under AC control, a process that involved the scaling back of fascism to include some freedoms.  You gave no credit for the rebuilding efforts.  From where I stand, it seems more like you say you're willing to give back land, but then have no intention of actually doing it.  Sure, maybe you'll loosen the borders, but I don't really think you're much more than talk as that goes.

It still seems to me that firing a railgun every 5 seconds would be unfeasible.  Firing that frequently would also take up a crap ton of power and be pretty expensive, infinitely more expensive than conventional methods of fighting.

I repeat.  If you want to have the level of control in the RP it seems you have been trying to take, you are free to go and start your own version of this and either calm down here or leave this place.  I have no problem with you being an active member of the RP, but if you want to be able to void stuff, you'll have to go elsewhere.  I say this now because I don't think you'll be able to help yourself from doing it in future.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 11:08:39 AM by Plethora »