
Do you remember Summer 2013 Rising Lava?

56 (72.7%)
No. :c
21 (27.3%)

Total Members Voted: 77

Author Topic: Zapk's Rising Lava • Map Voting! • p60  (Read 95774 times)

Might I be placed on the administrator team?, it would seem the server needs a few more.
Also, if you ever came to my server while I was on, you would know I'm never a badmin.
If I need to kick or ban someone, I do it fairly.

This is probably the best server I've ever been on, besides people spamming, its pretty good.

I haven't found a server that I can consistently go on because it's so good in a while. Happy Zapk was able to pull this gem out!

why can't you just have at least one admin on all the time
i mean come on

I had just went to bed too, asdf.

I've banned Parrot and Iron.

there should be a special round where lava insta-kills you

there should be a special round where lava insta-kills you
it already kill you fairly quickly

This server is great :)
Quick-paced gameplay so that you can join and play quickly, but it's also very entertaining for long hours of play.

This server is great :)
Quick-paced gameplay so that you can join and play quickly, but it's also very entertaining for long hours of play.
except for when people sit in the box on hyper tower

except for when people sit in the box on hyper tower
I'll make some minor updates to HyperTower in a bit.

Someone should unban me from here.

Someone should unban me from here.
I'm busy right now, ask Kalphiter!