Author Topic: Reporting a moderator for a possible rule violation is a bannable offense  (Read 28749 times)

Stop trying to what?
trying to get your dumb ass banned on every key you have
you know you can't win this because you're simply the dumbest one in this fight

Surprise surprise, yes - it is easier for you to get banned when you follow me around the forums harassing me. You'd think "don't harass moderators with crybaby bullstuff" wouldn't have to be a rule but here I am dealing with the same brand of idiot that requires a warning label on a cup of coffee. Cows learn not to keep touching the electric fence quicker than this moron does.

Yet when people follow me around into every single thread I make a post in, just to harass me, they don't get a ban and I do because I react to them?

Pretty sure this is the definition of double standards.

I'd much rather you come out and simply say you dislike and have a personal grudge against Kalphiter and that's why you ban him, rather than hiding behind invalid excuses, and I'm actually fairly sure that Kalphiter would quit if you did do so.

Legitimate question though, what are you guys going to do with the influx of crybabies from Greenlight?  You know, all those tons of 8 year old kids who are going to report a person for using forget in a post?  Just ban them all permanently?  I can't imagine that going too well in the Steam community, just massively banning everyone.
I broke no rules in this post, I clearly looked through every single rule before posting, and I cannot recall an unwritten rule that I'm breaking, so therefore, I apologize for breaking any rules that haven't been stated before, please refrain from banning me

trying to get your dumb ass banned on every key you have
you know you can't win this because you're simply the dumbest one in this fight
How am I "trying to get my dumb ass banned on every key" by publicly appealing a ban? First, I was banned for reporting a post which I thought broke the rules. It does not warrant a ban but simply a warning so that people know in the future what to report and not to report. Ephialtes failed to do that and banned me.

I appealed my ban and, as you can see in the image I posted, I was banned for appealing an unjust ban which is somehow "harassment" by Ephialtes' definition. That hardly makes any sense.

are you stretching this out on purpose
No, I'm not. It's just that I can't respond to that post accurately unless he asks a question that isn't so broad.

Yet when people follow me around into every single thread I make a post in, just to harass me, they don't get a ban and I do because I react to them?

Pretty sure this is the definition of double standards.

I'd much rather you come out and simply say you dislike and have a personal grudge against Kalphiter and that's why you ban him, rather than hiding behind invalid excuses, and I'm actually fairly sure that Kalphiter would quit if you did do so.

Legitimate question though, what are you guys going to do with the influx of crybabies from Greenlight?  You know, all those tons of 8 year old kids who are going to report a person for using forget in a post?  Just ban them all permanently?  I can't imagine that going too well in the Steam community, just massively banning everyone.
I broke no rules in this post, I clearly looked through every single rule before posting, and I cannot recall an unwritten rule that I'm breaking, so therefore, I apologize for breaking any rules that haven't been stated before, please refrain from banning me

Surprise surprise, yes - it is easier for you to get banned when you follow me around the forums harassing me. You'd think "don't harass moderators with crybaby bullstuff" wouldn't have to be a rule but here I am dealing with the same brand of idiot that requires a warning label on a cup of coffee. Cows learn not to keep touching the electric fence quicker than this moron does.

Kalphiter gets a ban because yeah, I'm sick of trying to deal with him diplomatically. The entire moderation team, Badspot included, is sick of him and we've all banned him a number of times. He has no self control and until he learns, he will keep getting banned.

I'm not even going to get into why you keep getting banned - you're even more of a goddamn mess.

How am I "trying to get my dumb ass banned on every key" by publicly appealing a ban?
Having multiple accounts to bypass a ban has always been a bannable offense.

Legitimate question though, what are you guys going to do with the influx of crybabies from Greenlight?  You know, all those tons of 8 year old kids who are going to report a person for using forget in a post?  Just ban them all permanently?  I can't imagine that going too well in the Steam community, just massively banning everyone.
You're presuming that the entire Steam community is consisting of young children that get's offended from swear words.

Can you back this up? I doubt it, but give it a try.

You're presuming that the entire Steam community is consisting of young children that get's offended from swear words.

Can you back this up? I doubt it, but give it a try.
he's done psych 1 and 2 man don't mess with that he can profile your ass and tell you what to do with your life watch out!

Kalphiter gets a ban because yeah, I'm sick of trying to deal with him diplomatically. The entire moderation team, Badspot included, is sick of him and we've all banned him a number of times. He has no self control and until he learns, he will keep getting banned.

I'm not even going to get into why you keep getting banned - you're even more of a goddamn mess.

Fair enough, I can't argue when you admit that it's simply a grudge.

You're presuming that the entire Steam community is consisting of young children that get's offended from swear words.

Can you back this up? I doubt it, but give it a try.
I did not, but there is a lot of them, I don't need to back up, I can see the full picture just fine bud

He has no self control and until he learns, he will keep getting banned.
I reported a post of yours that I thought broke rules. I posted a drama topic as a form of public appeal.

What is there to learn? Should I accept everything that comes my way and never defend myself? I don't know what you're asking from me.

Having multiple accounts to bypass a ban has always been a bannable offense.
I think its much more likely it's just a "We reserve the right to ban your alt unexpectedly" kinda thing. I think most of the forums would be gone by now if that was actually enforced.

What is there to learn?

That you can't win an argument by getting banned for the same thing five times