Author Topic: Space Engineers Thread -MULTi-MULTI-MULTI-MULTIPLAYER!  (Read 11552 times)

I haven't really got around to play it that much, Only a few hours, But it'll be fun with multiplayer.

a dude at school mentioned this game to me two days ago
i forgot the name of it and have been upset all day today trying to remember it
what a weird coincidence


seriously, i really liked corneroids and i bet this will be a great game

... if only i had money

If only someone can get this for me
But seriously, this game looks cool, saw a video of it and the physics look absolutely amazing.

my laptop burst into flames when i loaded a new world

shamelessly ripped from /vg/

Keen Software isn’t a company to be trusted at all. This is a company as bad as EA. Keen Software started making Miner Wars 2081 several years ago and let people pre-order it. The game was advertised as an open-world sandbox with a dynamic economy, and the ability to build lots of cool stuff like secret bases in asteroids and space stations. KS also claimed that the community would be very involved in the development of the game. They lied.

Then, it just degraded into the usual “grab the money and run” deal. Throughout the entire development process, the game never really changed from what it was in the first early access alpha build. They started trying to turn it around and make it seem as if the community just misunderstood the initial description of the game by doing things like saying building is already in the game and pointing to the stuffty map editor which was supposed to just be a placeholder system.

KS kind of got away with that, too. People were mad, and confused, but not pointing fingers yet. Then they added the campaign. No one wanted the loving campaign as it was taking the game in the wrong direction. KS didn’t give a forget, and this led to people attacking KS directly.

Keen’s response was to try to save face by apologizing and promising they would fix it. Except instead of fixing it, they marked it as done, released it, and told their community to suck it up and give them more money for their next game, all while advertising the game as an arcade arena shooter in space.

Browse the old forums for even 2 minutes and you will see what I am talking about. Go back to really old posts (like 6+months) and you’ll REALLY see what I’m talking about.

The game as it is right now is painful to play. Build mechanics are there, but unpolished. Speeds are strange and feel off. I wish I hadn't spent money on this because I sincerely have my doubts. Do not spend money on this game.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 02:31:57 PM by comr4de »


I was considering buying the game soon although after reading this I think I'll hold off and wait until they deliver at least some of the features I'd be playing it for like multiplayer and some other things.


thanks man, i was about to purchase this.
it looks fun, but i should wait

Damn it I already bought it now im concerned.

Damn it I already bought it now im concerned.
Worst case scenario, people who bought it get a functional physics demonstration toy. Basically a first person KSP without any of the objectives.

Best case scenario, keen delivers and everyone wins.

I was considering buying the game soon although after reading this I think I'll hold off and wait until they deliver at least some of the features I'd be playing it for like multiplayer and some other things.
I think it's interesting to note that the current engine as it is does not support multiplayer. The other astronauts seen in the trailer were AI.

if they have planets, they should actually make them look like ones
the ones in starmade are the stufftiest you can imagine
Starmade ones looked like marbles.

All I know is that its fun to crash stuff in this game. could make for some good RP's as well

Starmade ones looked like marbles.
when you got close to them they were just a gross, ugly, 1 block high plane instead of a sphere

I just love the physics in this game! :D

Is the game worth the money? I'm considering buying it tomorrow.