Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447584 times)

Also, a note about engines:
There's no shame in using a game engine, in fact that's why they are made- to ease off most of the heavy lifting and let you just focus on creating the game. The only main flaw is that you have to stick with that engine's API, and if that API is lacking in some department, then so will your game. Thankfully, this isn't the case with most modern game engines (Game Maker Studio, Unity, Unreal, etc.)

If you want to make an engine, though, it'll be one hell of an effort- writing code for game objects, managing memory, file loading/unloading, maps, interactions between objects, shaders... Everything that was handled so easily in a game engine now has to be managed manually by yourself. But, if you think you're up to the programming challenge, making your own engine would be handsomely worth it in the end: you'll have your very own game engine, fine-tuned to your specifications, with all the stuff you need and nothing you don't. Once you've made a game engine, you probably won't need to make another ever again- just keep using that one and tweak it as necessary.

TL;DR If you want flexibility make your own game engine, if you want to make games quickly without worrying about the technical stuff use a preexisting engine

EDIT: Also, on picking a programming language: Obviously, if you're using an engine, use that engine's programming language, but if you're making an engine from scratch, you'll need an object-oriented language. Games don't lend themselves very well to a functional approach once they pass a certain size. Popular languages used for engines nowadays are C++ (the hardest language, but the most powerful and universal) Java (somewhat easier than C++, but has very bad memory management issues) and C# (somewhere in between)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 12:04:15 PM by Glass Joe »

- snip -
Thanks for showing this :)

Anyways I have some leftover keys for steam games I don't want:
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 05:35:06 PM by seargent227 »

Cook, Serve, Delicious! - 8NXAT-K5TD4-0VHC5
Solstice - 8988X-595TE-7IG6N
Home - PYPEV-A55FD-7M69P
Nobody's ever told you not to post keys in plain text..?

Thanks for showing this :)

Anyways I have some leftover keys for steam games I don't want:

Nobody's ever told you not to post keys in plain text..?
Actually nobody ever told me to be honest.
Is this due to bots or something?

Nobody's ever told you not to post keys in plain text..?
there's no reason not to, he's trying to give them away. it's not like blockland, after they're redeemed, that's the end of it
also you literally quoted them dude
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 01:15:06 PM by Foxscotch »

I think the only issue with putting keys in plain text is that it's a 'first come first get' basis. It's very likely a single person got all 3 games because of this. Wouldn't be an issue if posted one by one once in awhile but that'd be spammy as well. Should have checked Steam store pages to see if any friends have them on a wishlist imho.

I think the only issue with putting keys in plain text is that it's a 'first come first get' basis. It's very likely a single person got all 3 games because of this. Wouldn't be an issue if posted one by one once in awhile but that'd be spammy as well. Should have checked Steam store pages to see if any friends have them on a wishlist imho.

It's very likely nobody here got them, key stealing bots are everywhere now.
friend and i are making a game
if you have any criticisms about the pixel art please list them because this is the first time my friend has tried doing pixel art for something like this

bonus plungerman image:

Anyone have a recommendation for music composition tools for simple (probably bit-tune) music?

Anyone have a recommendation for music composition tools for simple (probably bit-tune) music?
famitracker and openmpt are probably your best bets

pxtone is another one that i've been messing around with a little bit. was made by pixel (creator of cave story), and it lacks some features, but despite its limitations it's still pretty neat