Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447526 times)

So if you use UE4 do you guys use C++ to code or do you use a plugin for another scripting language?

Also how much of a pain in the ass is C++ compared to something like C#? I've heard that you have to manually manage the memory and whatnot and that just sounds like a nightmare to me.

So if you use UE4 do you guys use C++ to code or do you use a plugin for another scripting language?
Why even bother with C++ though? Blueprints is perfect. Drop some nodes in, get the same results (and quicker too). There's even an experimental feature that turns Blueprints into true C++ before cooking, so you get pretty close speed benefits.

The only reason you'd use C++ is if you're comfortable with that language and you know how to use it to your benefit. If you're going to be developing anything that an artist or designer needs to touch, you MUST use Blueprints as they can actually interact and help in that case.

Also how much of a pain in the ass is C++ compared to something like C#? I've heard that you have to manually manage the memory and whatnot and that just sounds like a nightmare to me.
Not really that much of a pain; the syntax is a bit weirder (as an example, namespaces and classes both use the '.' operator to access members, whereas in C++ there's two distinct operators; '::' for accessing things in namespaces, and '.' for accessing things in classes, and then theres '->' for accessing things through pointers).

The one "painful" bit is coming to grips with memory management, but it's really not that bad. You just have to get it into your head of when to assign and free up memory. In C#, the Garage Collector automatically will clear unused memory for you. In C++, you have to be explicit. Don't worry, a lot of people (especially me) forget to clear memory all the time. It's not that much of an issue, so long as you're constantly practising and getting better.

Why even bother with C++ though? Blueprints is perfect. Drop some nodes in, get the same results (and quicker too). There's even an experimental feature that turns Blueprints into true C++ before cooking, so you get pretty close speed benefits.

The only reason you'd use C++ is if you're comfortable with that language and you know how to use it to your benefit. If you're going to be developing anything that an artist or designer needs to touch, you MUST use Blueprints as they can actually interact and help in that case.
Not really that much of a pain; the syntax is a bit weirder (as an example, namespaces and classes both use the '.' operator to access members, whereas in C++ there's two distinct operators; '::' for accessing things in namespaces, and '.' for accessing things in classes, and then theres '->' for accessing things through pointers).

The one "painful" bit is coming to grips with memory management, but it's really not that bad. You just have to get it into your head of when to assign and free up memory. In C#, the Garage Collector automatically will clear unused memory for you. In C++, you have to be explicit. Don't worry, a lot of people (especially me) forget to clear memory all the time. It's not that much of an issue, so long as you're constantly practising and getting better.

So do Blueprints have garbage collector like C# or is it manual like C++?

So do Blueprints have garbage collector like C# or is it manual like C++?
Blueprints are garbage collected, as far as I understand.

A new twist on a classic platformer trope.

Gee what did the fish ever do to deserve such a stompin'?

A new twist on a classic platformer trope.
Do the bubbles work like they do in Sonic games?
If so, this is a great design.
Waiting for those loving bubbles is stressful.

Do the bubbles work like they do in Sonic games?
If so, this is a great design.
Waiting for those loving bubbles is stressful.

Basically, yeah.  I knew I had limited oxygen, and I knew I wanted to have breathable air bubbles to regain oxygen without having to completely resurface.  I thought the fish would be a fun way to make breathable bubbles appearing an actual player-forced action and amusing to boot.

Just a quick update; I'm going to be writing a dissertation on what I think of modern LEGO Video Games, and how I think they expose the same flaws that are present in the Australian education system. Getting evidence to the games is easy; it's the education side that's going to take a lot of fact finding, but I'm looking forward to the finished product.

Whoa, that is an odd connection.
I am interested to see what flaws they would be.

Modern Lego games taught me how to find studs.

Surfin' Squirrel

(Also sandboarding I guess because those are basically the same thing, right?)

To top it all off, the music is a Wipe Out ripoff that segues into a Misirlou ripoff that turns into some kind of Spanish flamenco before looping.  It's okay, I don't really know either.

maybe you could add jets to the board to make it look like it has some kind of propulsion. just a visual suggestion.