Author Topic: Game Design Megathread  (Read 447948 times)

seriously anyone familiar with unity? i'm gonna stuff a brick cause unity physics are garbage

i like the little flickering pixel that follows the skeleton

i like the little flickering pixel that follows the skeleton

yeah that has something to do with unity anti-aliasing the sprite edge even though i told it not to.

Another Ascii Rogue Lite Adventure Game In C
Aarlagic for short

I'm adding to the pile of ascii rogue likes and making my own in C. WASD to move, and is windows only. It uses the system() function, so it may be eaten by your anti-virus.

Current features:
  • Movement
  • Single room

Planned Features:
  • Somewhat coherent story
  • As visceral as possible combat
  • Many items and weapons
  • Butt sniffing
« Last Edit: August 05, 2017, 10:47:21 PM by |Orange| »

I have created a new game based on one I have thoroughly enjoyed and played for many many hours.

Another Ascii Rogue Lite Adventure Game In C Sharp
Aarlagics for short
based on Another Ascii Rogue Lite Adventure Game In C

I'm adding to the pile of ascii rogue likes and game remakes and making my own in C#. controls are on screen, and is windows only. If it's eaten by your anti-virus then complain to Orange idk.

Current features:
  • Movement
  • Two rooms
  • Items
  • Item handling
  • The ability to look around
  • droppable items

Planned Features:
  • Somewhat coherent story
  • As visceral as possible combat
  • Many items and weapons
  • Butt snipping

this game actually works. 400 lines of code and and hour and a half of my time wasted. please help me. this is actually a good base though.. stuff. i accidentally programmed something good for once.

What the balls man, why did you have to make another rogue-like? There is waaaay too many of them.

Anyway that's rad my dude, if we keep on working on these yours will be better since you know a lot more than me.

What the balls man, why did you have to make another rogue-like? There is waaaay too many of them.

Anyway that's rad my dude, if we keep on working on these yours will be better since you know a lot more than me.

collab with me, i'll learn C if you don't know C#


« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 10:24:03 PM by Waru »

Hi this is a scratch project i started. Actually i started this at the same time i joined Scratch.

This is my "platform engine" prototype.

Anyone else used MonoGame before?

It's basically the successor to XNA. Still uses C# but now you can use OpenGL instead of just DirectX and it supports a ton of platforms.

what engines are some of you using? lets talk dollars for a few seconds.

scratch updates the screen after every code block, rather than having a bunch of code it runs every tick before rendering. Your code basically needs to ask "will I run into something if I move here? if so, move forward until I run into it, then stop" there's no good way to do that without using "move 1" or whatever, which means you'll see it moving really slow whenever it's going to hit something instead of it doing all those move 1's at once, then rendering the frame, which is what should happen.

tl;dr there's no good way to make a collision engine in scratch that doesn't run super slow