Author Topic: 2013/12/01 - Blockland r1908  (Read 62381 times)

Mine has 2gb vram. A 7850 1gb sells for as low as $125 on newegg
vram makes a big difference then on blockland. I got my 7850 1gb for 165$ last christmas

Not being able to run the game well isn't necessarily your PC's fault.
I can run Skyrim, Crysis, F.E.A.R., Left 4 Dead 2, etc, just fine!
I lose about 1 fps for every 1k bricks in Blockland.
To put it in broad terms, try running Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Win95) on your $3000 computer, and watch as you get about 15 fps. Some games are just built on a crap engine, PERIOD.
all those games you listed are old and will run on old computers. especially FEAR, that game is just old, I run it on max on my intel hd gpu

All those games you listed are old and will run on old computers, especially FEAR. That game is just old. I run it on max on my intel hd gpu.
While FEAR is old, Skyrim came out in 2011 (Currently 2013). To call it old is like saying that the song "Call me Maybe" is old, which it most certainly is not.
My point I meant to make on my last post is that your PC and your games may not always play nice.
A better example of a bad engine would be The Powder Toy. Because it doesn't support multi core processing, a computer with a 3Ghz single core will run it better than an i7 quad core at 2.4Ghz.

Not being able to run the game well isn't necessarily your PC's fault.
I can run Skyrim, Crysis, F.E.A.R., Left 4 Dead 2, etc, just fine!
I lose about 1 fps for every 1k bricks in Blockland.
To put it in broad terms, try running Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Win95) on your $3000 computer, and watch as you get about 15 fps. Some games are just built on a crap engine, PERIOD.
Blockland is also capable of rendering over 200k objects at a single time. I doubt any of the other games you listed could.

Blockland is also capable of rendering over 200k objects at a single time. I doubt any of the other games you listed could.
Doesnt mean it's safe to leave blockland looking kinda bad. People are going to want good graphics, and they are not going to care if you give that excuse.

a computer with a 3Ghz single core will run it better than an i7 quad core at 2.4Ghz.
you dont know a lot about computers, do you? frequency is the last thing you should worry about. 3ghz or 2ghz barely means jack stuff. what you want is per core performance. each one of those i7 cores will perform better than any other cpu. take the fx-4300 vs the i7 4770k. downclock the i7 to 2ghz and overclock the 4300 to 5ghz. the i7 will still win by a GIANT margin, not because of frequency, but per-core performance

People are going to want good graphics, and they are not going to care if you give that excuse.

It's not an excuse, you're just being a child thinking you can have everything you want. Most people will understand that there's a limitation to current technology and you can't have amazing graphics with 256,000 objects being rendered at once.

Is that default, or custom brick? If it's custom, or possibly using some custom DTS Brick system, look for onRemove functions and replace them with onDeath. onRemove has ~1 second delay for some reason, while onDeath is instant.
default bricks... the circles are the tops of 1x1 round cones, the others are 1x~s
all of which are default

It's not an excuse, you're just being a child thinking you can have everything you want. Most people will understand that there's a limitation to current technology and you can't have amazing graphics with 256,000 objects being rendered at once.
I fully understand that it might not happen anytime soon, i'm just saying that complete idiots might bash blockland for not looking super duper hd or something and they have no idea what they are talking about etc

Port made some intense shaders and it would be cool if badspot added more options higher than the 'max' option for people with extreme computer builds to use

My game runs faster with 16x anti-aliasing and shaders set to minimum than with shaders off and anti-aliasing off.

Everything I know is a lie.

How do you even use anti-aliasing? Do you activate it outside of blockland?

How do you even use anti-aliasing? Do you activate it outside of blockland?
yes, with the graphics card control thingy

yes, with the graphics card control thingy
Would it affect other things too?

I have a suggestion. It would be nice to have building collapse when they have no support bricks. Like this quote explains:
You know how the hammer checks to see if the brick is supporting any other bricks? I think this should do the same except with fake-killing. However, it would be possible to abuse this in building servers. You could just make a giant tower and blow it up from the bottom.