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Drunk Ron Swanson
This is Why I'm Broke

Author Topic: CityMod  (Read 22870 times)

I say Realism and Size is the thing I would like.

New poll guys!
Weigh your opinions!

Bloopers/easter eggs can be anything from caves, to treasure coves, to sunken ships, to hidden lots, to a beating heart inside the city lighthouse! (okay maybe not the last one but you get the idea)

Make a creepy Easter egg.

need more votes guys
I'm also open to suggestions

Get the damn mod done first.

Get the damn mod done first.
So finish the mod
then not be able to host until the build is done?

If you would like to discuss how the mod works and it's progress, THAT is a completely different topic, and is linked in the OP

So finish the mod
then not be able to host until the build is done?

The mod can be much tested and improved before added easter eggs should be thought about.

The mod can be much tested and improved before added easter eggs should be thought about.
It's for the build...
That's what this entire topic is for...
There won't BE any easter eggs for the mod itself
I'm talking about on the map
did you read the options fully?
Hidden lots, beating hearts, etc?
That's not mod stuff
I don't contribute to the mod, I build the map

The mod can be much tested and improved before added easter eggs should be thought about.
I can't think of any easter eggs that would be put in a private mod

I can't think of any easter eggs that would be put in a private mod
Well I mean in that aspect it wouldn't be hard
Like if you have over $10k and you click the $ sign it plays an audio sound "IM RIIICHH!!"
Or if your job is mobboss and you click your job description it goes "you come to ME.. In my hour of triumph... Asking a favor." (Movie reference, mafia)

>Vaux becomes sick for a few days
>Topic drops to the 3rd Page
The infection is already spreading!!!11

In other news.. No use reinstating the same thing many people have said, but, Siba was a great modeler and I'm sad to see the way that things turned out.  As for his involvement in CityMod, Siba informed me that he will not be rejoining the Blockland community or helping model for CityMod anymore due to his circumstances..

Even though his time helping us was short, if you're reading this Siba, I thank you again for the models that you have contributed.  =)
I do hope though that someday you happen to come again to BL, but I understand if you don't want to..
« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 10:50:20 PM by Vaux »

>Vaux becomes sick for a few days
>Topic drops to the 3rd Page
The infection is already spreading!!!11

In other news.. No use reinstating the same thing many people have said, but, Siba was a great modeler and I'm sad to see the way that things turned out.  As for his involvement in CityMod, Siba informed me that he will not be rejoining the Blockland community or helping model for CityMod anymore due to his circumstances..

Even though his time helping us was short, if you're reading this Siba, I thank you again for the models that you have contributed.  =)
I do hope though that someday you happen to come again to BL, but I understand if you don't want to..