Author Topic: YMDTW V - status report 1 - How many memes could a meme memer meme if a m[...]  (Read 22475 times)

Stick all of boomtown's entire stock of fireworks onto the wall and kiss it goodbye.

Grind all up on the wall

Throw Charles Corpse at the wall

Report the wall to an admin for spamming

Report the wall to the internet police for being a cyberbully.

Reason: It is a big wall, meaning it may or may not be mean!

tell the wall that i did its mom

Inb4 cybertails lets me take over again

use the angry birds mighty eagle

Use the power of coke to be living again.

ps: my roll is related to the stanley parable (And I've been referencing that a lot lately :/)

OT: Butterknife the wall with a icicle.

reconstruct wall on a sub-atomic scale

Rapid fire the wall with the hammer.

Roll to revive then roll to grant myself an extra life

Fix the time machine and kill the wall's builder.

That would cause a pair-of-socks.