
Currently not accepting donations.
Thank you for your support!


  • Help wanted! I don't have time to work on Slayer. If you want bugfixes/features, lend a hand. Post in the thread if you're interested!
  • [2016/11/29] Slayer update released (p59). Lots of bug fixes.
  • [2016/12/23] Slayer update released (p60).
  • [2017/01/11] CTF updated! New events and more. (p60)

Author Topic: Slayer | New Bugfix Update  (Read 224773 times)

Advanced Game Mode System

There's tons of features and I don't have space to actually write about all of them. Just be satisfied knowing that this is the most advanced minigame system in Blockland to-date. If you need help with a specific feature, look at the Help tab in the GUI.

Place all downloads in your Blockland Add-Ons folder.

File / DescriptionVersionDownload
Gamemode_Slayer - The Slayer core. This contains everything you need to use Slayer. It is required for all other files.4.1.3Gamemode_Slayer.zip
Mirror: bitbucket.org
Gamemode_Slayer_BountyHunter - Find and eliminate your target while others are hunting you.1.1.1Gamemode_Slayer_BountyHunter.zip
Gamemode_Slayer_CTF - Capture the Flag game mode.2.1.0Gamemode_Slayer_CTF.zip
Gamemode_Slayer_Elimination - brown townogous to checkpoint racing, the players with the lowest score are eliminated at each checkpoint. Survive to the finish!0.1.0Gamemode_Slayer_Elimination.zip
Gamemode_Slayer_Infection - When a player is killed, they join the other team. Get everybody on your team to win.1.2.0Gamemode_Slayer_Infection.zip
Gamemode_Slayer_OneManArmy - It's everybody versus one. Sounds easy, right?1.0.1Gamemode_Slayer_OneManArmy.zip
Gamemode_Slayer_SearchDestroy (UNSUPPORTED) - It's a race to detonate or defuse the bomb. This game mode is no longer supported and may not work correctly.1.0.0Gamemode_Slayer_SearchDestroy.zip
Gamemode_Slayer_Territory - Control the capture points to win.1.0.0Gamemode_Slayer_Territory.zip
Server_TeamLifeTickets - Each team receives a shared number of lives. When the team is out of lives, none of its members can respawn.1.0.0Server_TeamLifeTickets.zip

Support Scripts
  • Support_SpecialKills - Space Guy / Greek2me
  • Support_LibStr - Clockturn
  • Support_Pathing - Port / Greek2me
Original Testers
  • Boom/Deathwishez
  • Brian Smith
  • Gizmo
  • Racerboy
Special Thanks
  • Jetz
  • Pecon7
« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 01:44:48 PM by Greek2me »

this is a rly nice mod good job

Woo, the infection game mode was just released! Let me know if it works.

P.s., you need at least two teams.

Gamemode_Slayer_Infection - When a player is killed, they join the other team. Get everybody on your team to win.1Gamemode_Slayer_Infection.zip

I see slayer finally got an add-ons topic.

Will try infection
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 09:38:51 PM by gr8dayseth »

So in infection, is it one team that when you kill someone they go to your team or both?
Or is it configurable?
I don't really care too much either way just wondering

Just tried it, it's for all.
And the slayer bots work with it too.
If I had any money I would donate so much.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 09:45:17 PM by gr8dayseth »

Definitely one of the best Add-Ons for Blockland. Great job, greek!

Ooh, Server_TeamLifeTickets? Do explain.

Ooh, Server_TeamLifeTickets? Do explain.
Like battlefield's: Each team has, say, 200 tickets.
Each time a player on a team dies, their team's tickets go down.
When it reaches 0, gaem ofar

Like battlefield's: Each team has, say, 200 tickets.
Each time a player on a team dies, their team's tickets go down.
When it reaches 0, gaem ofar
Well I know that, but how do you use it?

Well I know that, but how do you use it?
You put it in Add-Ons and enable it?

Well I know that, but how do you use it?
I think there's an option in the slayer menu if it's enabled

[Also reserved for infection test video I'm uploading.]
Test 1: 2 unbalanced teams
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 12:55:14 AM by gr8dayseth »

Well I know that, but how do you use it?

Go to the team panel and click the Advanced button. You'll see it in the list. Be sure to click "Apply" after you change it.

Suggestion: In infection when a team is eliminated (more than 2 teams) say something like

[Team] has been eliminated.