Author Topic: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant  (Read 33994 times)

Probably not so great, wanted to get much better, but whenever I wanted to work on a large project, the bugs and limitations threw me in a downward spiral.

i need a new modder i can trust. i commissioned a large mod for 150 bucks. but i think hes gotten bored and abandoned the project x.x

You paid $20 for a game and played it for 5000 hours.  I don't owe you anything.  Honestly heedical, your attitude has been stuffty for years now.  There's no rule that says you have to play one game for your entire life.  Go play something else.

i guess how long i've played the game has a direct influence over how much you "owe" me. maybe if i played for 20 hours, we'd have build-able vehicles!! There's plenty of people with far less playtime than me that are equally unhappy with the state of development. why don't you read this thread a bit.

just because you never owed anybody anything doesn't mean people should be completely happy with the current state of the game. Mr Cubeworld doesn't owe anyone anything, so i guess people should be content with the fact he abandoned his game after promising more than he delivered. Multiple times it has been stated that V21 would open up new doors and allow bigger updates. We haven't gotten any of those updates. Just because you never promised anyone anything doesn't mean people should be completely content that you over-exaggerated v21's potential and used the hype as a platform just to get your game on steam.

People can love you or hate you or whatever, but I don't think there's anyone here who feels that this game wouldn't be 10x better if you actively fixed it and added more content like V21 was supposed to allow. This isn't a packaged release game; there is still so much more that can be added and it's only explored a fraction of what it could be. Maybe you get bored of working on the game because there's been nothing new being worked on. Maybe if you experimented with things like neat physics features, movable bricks, or technic bricks, work would actually be interesting. A tester build would be awesome, where players can mess around with new stuff you're trying out.

And it's not just new features, the game still has long-standing problems that could easily be addressed. The brickcount is still low, loading to a server is still handicappedly slow, there is no save bricks function for dedicated servers (people actually have to fly around the entire map to save it). These 3 things take about a week of work, and would make playing this game a whole lot easier. No serious player hates you or is out on an agenda to get you. People just want to see this game use more of the potential it has, and you're the only person who can make that happen.

i bought the game for 20 bucks with the assumption that i could build 128k bricks
i got my money's worth.

anything that came later was just cake

Between Kalphiter, Okiver, and Heedicalking, it feels like Blockland is a city and its citizens are trying to start a riot.

NOEDIT: With alts being escaped prisoners.

Between Kalphiter, Okiver, and Heedicalking, it feels like Blockland is a city and its citizens are trying to start a riot.
kinda dumb. nobody here's rebelling against the game or telling people to quit. people aren't spamming topics or creating meme clans against badspot or anything.
i bought the game for 20 bucks with the assumption that i could build 128k bricks
i got my money's worth.

anything that came later was just cake
i don't think anybody bought the game trying to look ahead and hope it gets good, it's not a game stock market. but after seeing what this game can do, i'm sure there are a lot more people than me wishing it'd do even more. i honestly wonder how many people were disappointed when they found out they couldn't make their creations move. i sure was and i still am.

but unlike the other two heed actually has good intentions


  • Administrator
but unlike the other two heed actually has good intentions

I disagree.  His arguments are way past the point of constructive and are just designed to cause damage, just like kalphiter's.  Look how they dismiss any actual additions to the game as trivial (speedkart, gamemodes, doors), while simultaneously demanding more content.  No amount of improvement would placate these people, they would just find something else to complain about.

We already had doors though. And speedkarts are cool but did we really need to remove the terrain and all just to get a racing mod?

I think the issue is more with the fact that there have been no major changes to the game since the v21 or whatever it was and instead of being reasonable and giving the community any sort of updates on what you're working on (if anything) you're making posts about how well never be pleased.

I disagree.  His arguments are way past the point of constructive and are just designed to cause damage, just like kalphiter's.  Look how they dismiss any actual additions to the game as trivial (speedkart, gamemodes, doors), while simultaneously demanding more content.  No amount of improvement would placate these people, they would just find something else to complain about.
Literally all you did with SpeedKart was package a mod that someone else made with a build you didn't make either. Doors aren't a huge development either, I'm fairly sure any modder could have made that quickly if there was demand for it. Gamemodes is the only thing on that list that I can think of that changed how modders interact with the game, and I don't really understand the necessity for gamemodes. You act like what you've done in the last two years is wayyy more significant than it actually is.

According to Kalphiter's post, all you've done since v21's launch is:
bug fixes
SpeedKart (not authored by you)
the Xmas gamemode (IIRC someone else coded this and you polished it up)
bots (supposedly authored by Rotondo)
doors (also supposedly authored by Rotondo)
steam features (such as integration)
halloween stuff (also authored by Rotondo)

So what happened to adding features that would enable Blockland to sustain itself through modded content?

Just because you never promised anyone anything doesn't mean people should be completely content that you over-exaggerated v21's potential
The potential remains, but has not been acted on.

And it's not just new features, the game still has long-standing problems that could easily be addressed.
I can think of long known problems too, like terrain bricks ghosting outwards from clients in a limited radius, instead of ghosting from the edge to the client.

just because you never owed anybody anything doesn't mean people should be completely happy with the current state of the game.
That is true, and I count myself as discontent with the trade-off we got.  But what do you think is going to happen here?  Opponents against what happened with v21 until the present have voiced our opinions and Badspot has responded a few times.  He's just not that interested anymore.  I think people will have to just accept that and let it go.  Nobody is happy, it's just how it is.

i agree. i'm not happy with trading two big features for the ability to add more content if we never see said content

Right now the truth is that Blockland makes too much money for me to ignore it.  There are too many people expecting updates and fixes.  I've dabbled in other games but I haven't fully committed because they probably wouldn't sell as many copies as Blockland.  I can already hear the cries of "sell out!", but that's the way it is.  I don't think I have ever compromised my morals to get more sales, so you cannot shame me for success (especially while other people are shaming me for not being successful enough).

Naturally, Blockland is not as engaging for me to work on as it used to be (what were you working on 10 years ago?  Is it still entertaining for you?) - but I would still like to improve it.  I'd like to get the game to a slightly more self sustaining place, where user generated content feeds back into the game with little or no input from me.  I guess I've been saying that for years but it's still true.  I guess that means I have to make workshop go.

I disagree.  His arguments are way past the point of constructive and are just designed to cause damage, just like kalphiter's.  Look how they dismiss any actual additions to the game as trivial (speedkart, gamemodes, doors), while simultaneously demanding more content.  No amount of improvement would placate these people, they would just find something else to complain about.
we're dismissing add-ons as trivial, because anyone can make them. we're talking about you extending the functionality of the game, things that can't be done through add-ons.
Quote from: Doors
Title: Door Bricks
Author: Rotondo
Quote from: Speedcart
It uses some community created add-ons that are now part of the game:
Destroy the presents to Ruin Xmas!
Build by Sumz & Hamburger
Code by Zor
Don't get me wrong, I love all of these mods and think they are all beneficial and fun, but they don't extend the core functionality of the game/engine. What would be awesome is a gamemode incorporating new engine changes that allow for more things. A river crossing gamemode where you hop across fakekilled buoyant bricks. boat physicsvehicleclass waterfall sumo. a sword DM with random colored swords, and the color alters its effects (setnodecolor on images). moving platforms challenge akin to mario sunshine's secret courses. mods allow thousands of gamemodes, but engine changes allow thousands more mods


  • Administrator
Literally all you did with SpeedKart was package a mod that someone else made with a build you didn't make either.
Maybe you should find the old speedkart mod and do a diff vs my version.  Then compare the features, how well it works, maybe put the old version up on your dedicated server for a bit.   

Doors aren't a huge development either, I'm fairly sure any modder could have made that quickly if there was demand for it.
Yes, any modder could stuff out some semblance of doors.  That happened and it was a nightmare.  Complications from JVS doors forgeted up the game for years.

we're dismissing add-ons as trivial, because anyone can make them.
But you don't.  You just bitch until someone makes them for you and then you stuff on them. 

(not authored by you)
authored by Rotondo
So I'm not allowed to contract things out?  This is what I'm talking about, you're unconcerned with actual progress - it's about me somehow.  This sounds like you guys have some kind of father abandonment issues and you need me to be there working for you. 


  • Administrator
What would be awesome is a gamemode incorporating new engine changes that allow for more things. A river crossing gamemode where you hop across fakekilled buoyant bricks. boat physicsvehicleclass waterfall sumo. a sword DM with random colored swords, and the color alters its effects (setnodecolor on images).

You're focusing on technical minutiae that are completely unimportant.  This is one of the pitfalls of game dev - you need to work with what you have.  "I need X technology to make a game" is one of the lies people tell themselves so they don't have to try. 

Let's try a real world example:
Rising lava is a gamemode.  It's kinda fun but has some problems.  You would probably say that the problem is the water system isn't good enough and that Badspot needs to update the engine and make the water rise smoothly or code fluid dynamics or something.  Badspot won't do that, so you just throw up your arms blame all your problems on Badspot.  Why even bother working on a mod at all if Badspot won't "fix" the engine right?

What you really should be doing is refining the gameplay within the limitations of the tech you have.  You're stuck with planar lava with kind of dodgy movement.  Ok.  What's a gameplay problem?  Well everyone gets stuck in the staircase.  Why?  Because everyone wants to get to the roof of the skyscraper.  Why are they doing that?  It's the only safe spot.  Hmm, maybe there should be more than one safe spot.  Maybe the lava shouldn't always go to the top of the map so lower spots can be safe.  Maybe lava should go up and down.  Maybe announce how high it's going to go so people can plan where they're going to escape to.  Maybe give people something to collect so they have a reason to come down off the buildings - coins or something (gems?).  Maybe a lava proof suit powerup?  Maybe a rowboat that catches on fire after a bit?  Maybe a lava shark? 

Do you see how changing mindsets leads to actually developing a game?