Author Topic: So there's this virus going around my school  (Read 4407 times)

Any investigation into the origin?
With this many people this suddenly I'd guess something like contaminated cafeteria food

But not everyone who got it ate in the cafe.

holy forget my mom just got this today

Oh no. Where do you live?

Oh no. Where do you live?

What's strange is that I generally get this virus every year at the same time, but this time it's my mom who got it.

That's insane. The most we ever had out was like 50 kids. There was also a time when there threats of a shooting and almost everyone just stayed home voluntarily

He doesn't just attack Supercomputers any more...

_____________________________ ___

gota go fast_


gota go fast_

But not everyone who got it ate in the cafe.
Well norovirus is the leading cause of food-related outbreaks in the US
But yeah it's also really contagious so plenty of people can get it without even eating the food especially when you have a ton of people vomiting everywhere

I don't even think my school has 900 people including staff.

holy stuff this was the school that had the norovirus outbreak? god damn i didn't know a bl forums user went there.

holy stuff this was the school that had the norovirus outbreak? god damn i didn't know a bl forums user went there.
where'd you hear about it from?

Most stomach or gastrointestinal diseases are spread from feces (vomit as well) believe it or not.  When people don't wash their hands or don't do it well after the bathroom and then touch people, it's easy to pick it up if it enters your mouth.

you live in delta, BC?

here i come

you live in delta, BC?

here i come
You're a furry, we won't let you in.