Author Topic: Why is Call of Duty still getting hated on?  (Read 5758 times)

instead of starting this bullstuff about how games need to be educational.
Fair enough. I've just been really obsessed with this theory stuff recently so it tends to leak into arguments because it's what I believe in and what I want to try and achieve with games in the future.

Fair enough. I've just been really obsessed with this theory stuff recently so it tends to leak into arguments because it's what I believe in and what I want to try and achieve with games in the future.
I don't think your application of the theory is anywhere near correct though

What your using sounds like 'ideal types', which aren't meant to be a one-size-fits-all framework to come to some sole individual truth.

What your using sounds like 'ideal types', which aren't meant to be a one-size-fits-all framework to come to some sole individual truth.
I think you might be right. At least it didn't with a ban or anything so I guess we can chalk this up to "McJobless was a loving moron, let's move on".

Because every single CoD since mw3 is basically the exact same thing just with super-realistic grafixxxx, dog fur, realistic fish AI, totally original futuristic wepons, revolutionizing next gen (again, still), pointing and clicking while the crosshair is on red squares and hexagons, using the 10 remodels of one gun to do so, since this is too complicated for some people they just want to run around and click buttons without all the aiming crap they use aimbots (not implying it's only cod), hey guys should we make something different nonono just slap a new logo and reskin the previous game and call it next gen, milk the money cow, all aboard the hype train, my skeelz r cul cuz i can 360 noscope wit my golden beretta lol cigaretteit, oh hey this player got 10 kills in a row, should we make it a challenge to get more NO give em NUKEZ and make sure they are virtually impossible to kill, next gen destruction (a bus falls off a ledge omg!!), lack of originality*

*Hint: Neither reskinning the previous title or reskinning someone elses successful idea is original.

fair warning: opinions

I like how the presenter holds a controller to pretend he's playing but it's obvious he's not because the character and camera movement is WAY too smooth

First of all, please stop saying you want games to be realistic unless you want to join the army and transfer to Afghan. It's a game. It's not supposed to be realistic in order to be fun/casual and appeal to the mass.
  I've never personally understood what crowd hates call of duty. The ones that bash it end up still playing it at one point. Now, of course not everyone likes first person shooters but if you're going to hate something, there should be a reason to enforce it and I mean an actual reason. You can't say the graphics are stuffty right off the bat just because you watched a "video". Rent it and try it yourself before you jump to conclusions when it comes out in hope.
  Now, I personally discontinued my affiliation with call of duty because the multiplayer(I'm sure we can all agree is the main aspect) of each call of duty never changes drastically enough to stick around worthwhile but nevertheless, I test them out to see what's different besides maps and guns.

I'm very obsessed with the psychology of fun
That doesn't sound very fun.

They should bring back the health bar, no more regenerating health bs. Weapons should fire more inaccurately like the old games when moving. Grenades should be manually thrown by selecting them instead of just simply pressing the g key.

Of the Call of Duty games I've played, the only ones I think are worth playing are Call of Duty 2, MW1, and MW2. Everything else sucks. Though this game looks interesting.

Of the Call of Duty games I've played, the only ones I think are worth playing are Call of Duty 2, MW1, and MW2. Everything else sucks. Though this game looks interesting.
Filthy casual

Filthy casual

I remember trying to run this on my first PC back in 2005. It didn't work.

I remember trying to run this on my first PC back in 2005. It didn't work.

spoiler: your PC wasn't from 2005

My favourite thing about advanced warfare is that ths weapons aren't weapons that exist irl with bulkier rails which are so updated for the future. Blops 2 gosh darnit.

If you make a future game, make the guns futuristic bullstuff, like the Smart Grenades and loving Lazer Rifles.

games are entertainment, not learning tools. mcjobless, you really sound like an idiot.

spoiler: your PC wasn't from 2005
I know. It was made in 2002, I think. But I tried to run this game in 2005.