
What's you're OS based on?

4 (33.3%)
3 (25%)
Red Hat/SUSE
0 (0%)
BSD (this includes Mac and iOS)
2 (16.7%)
3 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: The UNIX Megathread -- New poll  (Read 18513 times)

It's $HOSTNAME not $hostname

volume is turned up and my speakers are fine

ok so it appears I have to install openAL drivers
sound wasn't working in chrome- but the sound was muted in pulseaudio settings so I unmuted and it works.
gonna install openAL drivers

Help me out please
Don't mean to crosspost, it's just the help topic isn't getting replies. People there might not use linux.

this reminds me of the funny things posted on encyclopedia dramatica on linux

"FUN" linux facts
Lunix users never have to reboot. ACPI problems prevent that...use the power-strip after a crash or shutdown.
Lunix users get laid about as often as they have to reboot. And if they do reboot they will fall short before the actual action is carried out.
Most lunix users secretly use Windows.
When you use Lunix, you will become so frustrated that you will constantly fight with windows, mac, and even other lunix users.
Most servers use lunix because they are run by the homeless.
Lunix stands for "Loser's unix."
Lunix doesn't get viruses because they are pre-installed and dynamically create themselves.
Lunix is "Free as in crap." You get what you paid for -- nothing.
Lunix distributions try to shorten boot time, because suspend is not working.
Encyclopediadramatica's server runs lunix WOW! BECUASE YOU JEWcigaretteS NEVAR DONATE!. DONATE NOW so we can get a real server.
NASA uses Lunix
Blockbuster movies use Lunix Nobody rents movies from stuffty blockbuster
Google runs on Lunix
YouTube runs on Lunix OMFG!!!
Humans run on Lunix
Chuck Norris runs Crysis runs on Lunix
Godzilla runs on Lunix (nah, he's windows)
The Universe runs on Lunix, except for Earth, which runs in a virtual machine with Windows 3.1 BC.
It isn't UNIX based

also how to install Linux
Lunix can be installed on any desktop, laptop, cellphone, iphone, gaming system, wristwatch, or large carrot in just a few simple steps:
Download your chosen "flavor" of Lunix using windows because if you're downloading it from an existing Lunix install you won't be able to burn cd's or make bootable usb drives.
Boot into the distro and expect one of the following to happen:
Won't boot
Graphics are forgeted
Network isnt working
Keyboard/mouse not working
Random lockups
Actually works (only happens 0.000001% of the time)
Guess at the problem / Manually type the errors into google that you have open on a working Windows machine. Do this for at least three days.
Start a thread on the distro's forum asking for help with excruciating detail of your system layout and troubleshooting case results.
Resolve the problem with the help of dumb luck.
Return to the thread and let them know you fixed it. DO NOT share how you fixed it.
Bragging rights are yours! Let your buddies know you're a full fledged hacker!
Cut yourself to relieve the tension.
Congratulations you are now a Lunix guru!

they call it lunix on there because they refer to it as "loser's unix"

what to do in linux
Update your drivers.
Brag about your kernel.
Pretend that the difficulty of use and the incomprehensibility of commands inherent in Lunix is actually a badge of honor.
Look at ugly, distorted fonts in your browser and on any other application you might want to run
Reformat and install another distribution. (People have been known to do this continuously for weeks. Hint: they all suck. Stop wasting your time.)
Watch a console display error messages.
Convince yourself that Open Office is "just as good" as Microsoft Office.
Read countless manuals to do the simplest of tasks. And still fail
Say you use Lunix (which will get your ass kicked, even by other Lunix users.)
Display a stuffed penguin on your monitor at work so that everyone will know you use Lunix.
Think of ways at work to bring up the subject of how you use Lunix, because the penguin thing didn't work.
Fail to realize that, penguin or not, noone gives a forget about what operating system you use.
Eat KFC chicken around the clock.
Manually edit config files.
Run a virtual instance of Windows so you can play games, while at the same time saying how much you hate Microsoft.
Play Nethack, @ngband, and Tetris! (If you can get them to work.)
Argue that KDE is better than GNOME.
Argue that GNOME is better than KDE.
Argue that both GNOME and KDE are inferior to your chosen environment.
Develop carpal tunnel from keyboard usage between bouts of excessive self-pleasure borne out of social-handicapation.
Depend on easy to use programs like vi.
Try to learn how to do simple tasks in emacs, eventually using notepad to complete the same task.
Keep your virginity.
Give long, boring lectures about FOSS- Free and Open Source Software- while at the same time failing to realize that nobody really gives a forget about software licensing.
Be a badass non-conformist.
Never get viruses,ever,like how a virgin never gets STDs.
Get an error message literally 'out of the blue'. (No wait, that's Windows.)
Graphically chart the shrinkage of your snake over time with bundled, GPL'd software. This is a highly requested feature among lunix users.
Discussing the awesome non-ntfs filesystems you can use with lunix, for example one written by a convicted murderer.
Spend hours of your life compiling bits of code, just to find out it was EPIC FAIL!
Read this article. That is, if you figure out how.
Host this article.
Uhh, well that's pretty much it.

this line is gold though
Never get viruses,ever,like how a virgin never gets STDs.

besides is linux really unix?

What gpu do you have.
I forgot, how can I found this out in manjaro?

my main computer is a mac

they call it lunix on there because they refer to it as "loser's unix"

what to do in linux
this line is gold though
besides is linux really unix?
Yes, Linux is really UNIX.

I think I'm spending too much time labeling my distros (looks much cleaner IRL)...

Yes, Linux is really UNIX.
No it's not. It was written from scratch.
BSD is Unix.
We still talk about it in this thread because it is Unix-like

I forgot, how can I found this out in manjaro?
yaourt -S screenfetch

This installs screenfetch. Screenfetch, when you use it as a command, displays info about your system. It is primarily used for screenshots, and it should list your graphics card.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 12:11:58 PM by blueblur121 »

Hey guys, I have a question about iOS 7.1.1.

Recently, a untethered jailbreak application known as Pangu was released for iOS 7.1.1. Previously, I was using a semi-tethered jailbreak application called geeksn0w. Since it was semi-tethered, I had to boot from opensn0w every time my phone fully shuts down. I am wondering if there is a way to switch from this semi-tethered jailbreak to this completely untethered jailbreak without losing my current cydia apps or having to restore.

GUYS i just got a droplet on digital ocean :OOOOO
i installed arch on it
it is p  cool but MUCH HARDER to use than ubuntu/debian
i will practise tho :DDDDDDDDDDD
i have figured out they dont install apache by default