Author Topic: The Freeware Game Thread  (Read 60926 times)

are you bullice creamting me?

Before you claim it totally copied CaveStory, it did, because it's a tribute kthx.

Pod is a nice guy, he doesn't generally mean any hate or anything to pixel.

Question of the Week: How do people get addicted to games that feel like work?

for the lulz that you got to lvl 29

Powder Game:


This sandbox contains a variety of elements which the player can scatter at a mouse-click. Ice, water, fire, the titular “powder” (which serves as the sand). The heart of Powder Game is the way these elements interact. Water that touches ice will freeze. Ice that touches fire will melt. Drop a seed onto some powder and a plant will sprout. Water the plant and it will grow. Touch a flame to it and it will catch fire and burn.

The other key element that defines Powder Game is wind. Powder stacks in neat piles, but a click of the mouse (a right click by default, but this can be changed) sends it spiralling into the air. Currents coalesce, rub against each other, create eddies in the air. Fire creates wind, as does exploding gunpowder. Wind turns ice into snow, creates rivers of particles in the air. When the background effect is set to “BG-shade,” it becomes entrancing to watch.

Just Add Water

Powder Game is not for players looking for direction. To get the most out of Powder Game, one has to be comfortable creating one’s own entertainment. Players who are willing to tinker will find a lot to tinker with. Here are some things to try: create a fountain by positioning fans over a pool of water. Make a sculpture with ice and bubbles (which turn into whatever they touch). Build an arena and populate it with fighters - tiny pixel people who jump and flip around, trying to kick each other. Set the background effect to “BG-shade” and paint a curtain of SuperBalls.
This review is partially old, there are lots of new features, and this game is being constantly updated.

link: (java required)

This fails. After a certain point, you're not allowed to draw anything anymore.

Stunts (AKA 4D Sports: Racing)

Stunts is a cool little DOS game (That runs flawlessly on XP) that has you driving in a car... doing stunts, or so to speak.


Stunt Driver

Stunt Driver is pretty much the same thing as Stunts, just with a few differences.
It's also a DOS game, may need DOSBox.


Stunt Car Racer


Stunt Car Racer is pretty different to the above 2 games, it's not more of a stunt racer, more of a free driving rollercoaster, of sorts.
It's a little hard to get into, but once you're in the zone, it's pretty fun.
Again it's DOS, but I think it runs without DOSBox.


And that should be enough to cover your daily portion of DOS Racing games. :3
OH MY loving GOD, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS!!! (Since I was about 5 years old)

Pick eather Humans or Aliens. Evolve and Upgrade your arsenal to kill the enemy. FPS that runs on the Quake engine... Pics coming soon, Sometimes im playing it, like now I am, you can watch me here.

This fails. After a certain point, you're not allowed to draw anything anymore.

you can change your dot size to small, medium, or large, larger can fill the whole screen

ok the game is called super smash flash based on super smash bros maele pretty fun

ok the game is called super smash flash based on super smash bros maele pretty fun

The only good thing about that game was Crono.

The Expelations of The Little Green Pod Man (lawl) :

It’s kinda difficult to explain this one. The Expelations of The Little Green Pod Man is essentially a platformer with a neat gimmick – instead of jumping, you can transform yourself into a Venus Flytrap that spits you out onto new ledges. You can also make the plant grow towards bees to reposition it, and swallow the bees to make it shoot you further. On top of that there are a few subtleties to how it all works that you pick up as you go along.

To be honest, it’s easier to just play it and see how it works for yourself than it is to explain. Thankfully, it’s a fun little game to play, though a little frustrating at times. It helps that the song accompanying it suits the game perfectly.


Read thread name pls.  Freeware game thread not freeware game site thread.

And there's nothing to do once you run a couple people over in that game.


A great FPRTSS. Incredible gameplay, and is just plain awesome. Alien bugthings vs Humans. id Tech 3.

Tremulous site.


A great FPRTSS. Incredible gameplay, and is just plain awesome. Alien bugthings vs Humans. id Tech 3.

Tremulous site.

Thanks for posting images I was to lazy to get.

New Lands:
This game was made by one of my friends, (Hiro on forums) and it is absolutely AWESOME! He made it using game maker pro. This is a 2-D platform ONLINE shooter game and though is  not FULLY out yet within the next 2 days (look at the reply date) he plans to have server listings on it so that we we can start our own server! There is also a one-player Campaign game, but not really very  long right now...just the tutorial. (which is still pretty long) But as of now there is a pistol, a sniper rifle, and there might be another gun....forgot... but there will also be a helicopter! And yes it says killed b y ground, it does that if you are low on health and you fall REALLY far. Yes the character is an octagon, the one in the top left under the map( the blue part) is the character, the one you see on the right is your mouse!

New Lands:
This game was made by one of my friends, (Hiro on forums) and it is absolutely AWESOME! He made it using game maker pro. This is a 2-D platform ONLINE shooter game and though is  not FULLY out yet within the next 2 days (look at the reply date) he plans to have server listings on it so that we we can start our own server! There is also a one-player Campaign game, but not really very  long right now...just the tutorial. (which is still pretty long) But as of now there is a pistol, a sniper rifle, and there might be another gun....forgot... but there will also be a helicopter! And yes it says killed b y ground, it does that if you are low on health and you fall REALLY far. Yes the character is an octagon, the one in the top left under the map( the blue part) is the character, the one you see on the right is your mouse!

I am not playing that till the background is not pink.