Author Topic: Twitch is ruined.  (Read 5395 times)

Yeah I don't remember the last time I watched a VOD...

And if it's a really important highlight or something they can put it on YouTube, right?

Which also has bassackwards copyright stuff, although maybe not like this.

could be a false positive, kinda BS but punchout on youtube is rarely copyrighted from what I see

Yeah I don't remember the last time I watched a VOD...

And if it's a really important highlight or something they can put it on YouTube, right?
Am I the only one who doesn't care at all
Live broadcasting is unaffected

This is going to screw over a lot of speedrunners that highlight a PB/WR. They're up to the mercy of the copyright system whether or not the audio gets nuked.

Wanted to watch a vinesauce video, Muted.

I wonder if they could make a seperate 'layer' or something for the music, and the mic goes on a different one. Then if the audio is nuked there's still the person talking.

I wonder if they could make a seperate 'layer' or something for the music, and the mic goes on a different one. Then if the audio is nuked there's still the person talking.

It would make maintenance/setup for channels harder but it does seem necessary in this case

can these copyright friends just lay off
like seriously they're causing more harm than good by doing stuff like this.

let's start a riot

seriously these forgets should take user feedback
The day Google listens to its users I will eat my hat.

We all saw it coming.

Well, game over. You were good while you lasted, Twitch.

Oculus was bought by Facebook earlier this year
Twitch is now owned by Google

two of the biggest things to happen to gaming recently have been bought out by larger companies
this worries me

yeah what the forget happens when they stream a game that uses third party music

like i dont wanna be playing farcry 3 and you loving flag cause you hear me "using" skrillex in my video
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 10:33:13 PM by Trogtor »

Google is like the EA of websites. Ugh.

Google is forced to abide by copyright law, its not like they take pleasure in restricting content. Youtube got sued up the ass by record labels.