Author Topic: Zapk's singing spam  (Read 45874 times)

I'm eating this stuff up like loving thanksgiving. This is glorious, really a wondrous site to see here folks.
Hold on there. Did I not see this coming? Maybe, but I knew something was wrong about him the whole time
btw I'm Scriode

I cannot stress this enough - mainly because of my long-lasting pent up hatred for you, Scriode.

You take any and all opportunities to make yourself look better in the eyes of the public. Most of the time it includes loving with me or twisting my words (very poorly, might I add), and that is no way to live. You have no ground to even think about saying you "knew this would happen" or any of that bullstuff. A very good factor in my decisions recently have been a side effect of your constant harrassment .. as a matter of fact, I've felt myself forming a very minor depressive state over it. I've had times where it was hard for me to sleep or pay attention to my surroundings knowing some douchebag like you has been so desperately cruel toward me. And you're what ... five years older than me? How in the forget could you think any of that makes you look mature, especially when the victim's brain is literally in the early stages of maturing in the first place?

I know you'll most definitely find a way to prove my point and make this post look ironic - but all I'm asking is for some god damn tranquility at the end of this five-year trip.

Even though I'm not exactly in a state to point fingers right now ... if this post cannot convince you to clean up your act, I have no idea what will. Maybe I just don't have the mental capacity to put you off as a troll in the back of my head and ignore you, but you are quite clearly capable of ending it. You've already proven it to me once before, and I am willing to drop everything if you can permanently end this handicapped feud.

I cannot stress this enough - mainly because of my long-lasting pent up hatred for you, Scriode.

You take any and all opportunities to make yourself look better in the eyes of the public. Most of the time it includes loving with me or twisting my words (very poorly, might I add), and that is no way to live. You have no ground to even think about saying you "knew this would happen" or any of that bullstuff. A very good factor in my decisions recently have been a side effect of your constant harrassment .. as a matter of fact, I've felt myself forming a very minor depressive state over it. I've had times where it was hard for me to sleep or pay attention to my surroundings knowing some douchebag like you has been so desperately cruel toward me. And you're what ... five years older than me? How in the forget could you think any of that makes you look mature, especially when the victim's brain is literally in the early stages of maturing in the first place?

I know you'll most definitely find a way to prove my point and make this post look ironic - but all I'm asking is for some god damn tranquility at the end of this five-year trip.

Even though I'm not exactly in a state to point fingers right now ... if this post cannot convince you to clean up your act, I have no idea what will. Maybe I just don't have the mental capacity to put you off as a troll in the back of my head and ignore you, but you are quite clearly capable of ending it. You've already proven it to me once before, and I am willing to drop everything if you can permanently end this handicapped feud.
this alt is as beloney as the name
who does it belong too

this alt is as beloney as the name
who does it belong too

It belongs to the man of the hour.

five years older than me?
Zapk's only 14? I assumed he was older...

Nal will be hosting Rising Lava from now on (once I set him up). I just couldn't handle it anymore.

Why I felt the need to spam is beyond me, oddly enough. Probably so I don't have the key to snap back to.

Do we still keep our VIP/spon?

Do we still keep our VIP/spon?
I'm going to keep the donation list, but remove the Donation option
consider it "exclusive"
It belongs to the man of the hour.
y zapk y

It belongs to the man of the hour.
wow, that didn't take long for you to come back, zapk.

why are you back? i thought you were done.

wait so zapk disrupts the master server and commits blockland Self Delete for no reason, then in the same day he quits forever he comes back on an alt named baloney to yell at scriode?

wait so zapk disrupts the master server and commits blockland Self Delete for no reason, then in the same day he quits forever he comes back on an alt named baloney to yell at scriode?
It's all part of the master plan

he misspelled bologna
git gud


So what you're basically telling us is that Scriode has been a richard to you for a while now (which I think NOBODY knew about) and you're taking out your anger on nearly everyone in the Blockland community?
I have to go with everyone else on this. This is really dark for you, Zapk. If you want to get somebody to quit stuffting on you, don't start stuffting on everyone else. That doesn't solve anything; it just makes it worse for everyone, including you.

you're taking out your anger on nearly everyone in the Blockland community?
he said he quit because of lack of development...

So what you're basically telling us is that Scriode has been a richard to you for a while now (which I think NOBODY knew about) and you're taking out your anger on nearly everyone in the Blockland community?
I have to go with everyone else on this. This is really dark for you, Zapk. If you want to get somebody to quit stuffting on you, don't start stuffting on everyone else. That doesn't solve anything; it just makes it worse for everyone, including you.
i thought a lot of people knew scriode was a richard to zapk
i mean scriode did make a dox of zapk for some reason
and that reason wouldnt be "we're very good friends so why not??"

he said he quit because of lack of development...
How is that even remotely relevant?