


Author Topic: TheHellSpy's Futuristic Military Roleplay  (Read 17511 times)

I am an admin and I have been inactive due to:

-School mid terms (DONE)
-Football off season (OVER)

This is why I was inactive and they are both over, football off season starts in May again but wont be as long just more days of the week.

Hellspy can you tell me your steam name? And maybe what the password for your private servers are? So I can join them. Its fine if you dont though. Just a simple request. Thanks!

Hellspy can you tell me your steam name? And maybe what the password for your private servers are? So I can join them. Its fine if you dont though. Just a simple request. Thanks!
My steam name is Critical. If you can't find me, you can link me your steam by message and than I will accept.

I will message you the pass for private servers.

It just keeps on saying "Error adding freind. Please try again" So just either request to be my friend or invite me to your group. By the way my steam name is the same as blockland name.

But, why ARE the apps closed, anyways?
Planned on trying again, but can't. :c
Name is currently FlamingPie, and if at least 10 people hate this name, permanent name (for then) will be Rocket Launcher.

bump + news

  • VIP changed to [Elite]
  • working on new raid
  • a lazy hellspy on the loose, can't finish the futuristic HUD
  • hellspy still hasn't hosted so forget him

bump + news

  • VIP changed to [Elite]
  • working on new raid
  • a lazy hellspy on the loose, can't finish the futuristic HUD
  • hellspy still hasn't hosted so forget him

I can't finish the futuristic HUD because i'm not an extreme scripter.
I can't host because too much life and can I ever play something else for a few days?

Also other new updates

(1) New training piece added to heavy training which is all about FTL and it's completely functional.
(2) Dungeon 10 is finished and now has 20/30 of the boss's abilities complete.
(3) Dungeon 9.5 is now in construction.
(4) Training and raid reports are displayed in the USSC steam group.
(5) Engineer class has updated by a lot. (2 specializations added)
(6) Entire lab replaced to a newly sweet promising lab.
(7) A new planet is under construction.
(8) New weapons been added to the armory.
(9) Replacement of all weapons will occur soon
(10) Everyone will drop a rank (1) soon which depends.
(11) Website has updated and moderators been selected. (more pictures and members)

^^^what's the point of moderators

Cannot ban forever, cannot teleport or use D-wand.... list goes on. Useful for keeping spammers out.

Cannot ban forever, cannot teleport or use D-wand.... list goes on. Useful for keeping spammers out.
on the website

Alright, this is going to be some glorious news.

FMRP 2 Alpha (futuristic military rp 2) is released! Private testing is now finished which means it should be accessible to everybody now.
FULL LIST OF UPDATES: (some updates were mentioned before)

(1) New spaceship less spam and the ship may be a bit smaller than the original FMRP spaceship.
(2) Lag fixes = less lag.
(3) Dungeon 10 is released on FMRP 2.
(4) Dungeon capacity is now 15.
(5) Dungeon difficulty is much harder at 10+.
(6) You can now have your own weapons in dungeons.
(7) New planets are released, new galaxy in WIP.
(8) A futuristic HUD add-on will be applied.
(9) 50% this add-on will occur, which makes everybody have their own abilities. Example - Electrical shot - bonus damage then your normal gun damage. If this does not occur, than server has a new entire RP aspect.
(10) A lot of build improvements, especially on planets.
(11) Probably new ranks will be added.
(12) NEW MISSIONS - Tactical Missions, Spaceship vs Bot Spaceship Missions, vehicle missions and dog fight missions!
(13) Much more stable and fun RP which means more open spots for people to enter the RP. (new jobs)
(14) New environments.
(15) Daily life in the ship changed, rather than wondering in the hallways and going to each rotation like, at 1:00 PM we go to cafe, at that time we go to training bla bla. That has changed, the entire time in the SHIP is going to be about RP, but the training and mission briefing will not change.
(16) ROOMS for people will PROBABLY be added if you guys can show great behavior. But I don't know quite yet, this is a combat ship.
(17) Everything from FMRP will apply here but with improvements!
(18) Dungeon 9.5 nearly finished!
(19) Introducing less physical fighting and allowing more fair RP-style fighting.
(20) An entire new system is developed for people who wish to enlist to the army, which means taking a futuristic course to see if you meet the high RP standards for FMRP 2.
(21) FMRP 2 Alpha has the small ship finished which looks glorious!
(22) The real massive ship for FMRP 2 is still under heavy construction.
(23) Royal shop will have a chance to be removed when FMRP 2 gets released.
(24) Less mission activity, better for more RP.
(25) Dungeons will have very less activity - dungeons will rarely occur only if you guys vote for it.
(26) Royal missions are removed.
(27) A lot of bugs will occur in FMRP 2 make sure to report them!
(28) May take a few days for the cool features of FMRP to be added to FMRP 2 when it's released.
(29) The new ship finish time now extended to 2-4 months.
(30) Dungeons lower than 10, should decrease in difficulty.


On the other hand, thanks for spending your time to read the updates, this RP focuses 30% of it's time on physical fighting while the rest is real RP.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 11:09:10 PM by TheHellSpy »

This build looks great. Something I definitely need to checkout.

Damn, that thread title is old as hell