Author Topic: iPhone 6/iOS 8 Launch is basically a disaster  (Read 19286 times)

Someone should see if they can bend their Macbook Air. :o

Apple should have used an alloy (like steel) because theyre harder.
Steel corrodes, though, and often reacts with oils in people's hands.

Titanium would be a better choice.

Titanium would be a better choice.
no one wants these phones to be worth more than they already are

no one wants these phones to be worth more than they already are
And no one wants to see them bending either.  It wouldn't be much more expensive with titanium.  Maybe $60 at most.  Either way, Apple wouldn't do it because they earn more money from Apple Store repairs.

Besides, the prices are inflated because Apple knows that people will buy "the next iPhone" like its some kind of life-saving drug.  Their profit margins are huge.

So it bends; that sucks, but will it blend?


Titanium would be a better choice.
are you serious

are you serious
the apple boys would buy anything if it had the apple logo on it

So it bends; that sucks, but will it blend?
i can't see why not, might be a little hard on the blender (unless you watch will it blend)

The bending is inconvenient but it's definitely a novelty until Apple replaces the phone -- which they always have done. Bring it to an apple store and get a new one.

I wear slim fit jeans all the time and my phone isn't bent yet. I feel like it's only an issue in extreme situations, you tend to find flaws when 2 million people receive a brand new product at the same time that hasn't gone through extensive testing in the real world as a result of being kept strictly under wraps until a week before the release date.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 04:02:13 PM by $trinick »

My Samsung galaxy both doesn't bend and doesn't have too big a screen to comfortably use.

My HTC One both doesn't bend and doesn't have too big a screen to comfortably use.

So it bends; that sucks, but will it blend?
I can't believe it worked! I actually time traveled back to 2010!

I can't believe it worked! I actually time traveled back to 2010!