Author Topic: #gamergate megathread  (Read 124679 times)

I'm fine with Anita, however she did use other people's footage without consent or acknowledging it wasn't something she herself captured. Credit has to go where credit is due.
almost like she didn't want people to find out..... hm......

she also stole copyrighted art to use on one of her pictures

she also stole copyrighted art to use on one of her pictures
and the plot thickens

There's more proof of her lying than anything; I don't understand why she should be defended

ITT: ladios stirs the pot
Sorry, wasn't meaning too. I am just curious as to how people still manage to hold onto these opinions after so much undue suffering. I thought we were done with the 60's, and that seems to be the claim most of these kiddos are making, yet the actions of their representative body really do not resonate with their whole "we are all equal already, there is no need for change" claim...

which journals and news articles? because if they're from some of the few i'm thinking of it's an extremely bad source
Gamasutra, kotaku, gamedevmagazine or whatever it was called, giantbomb, deadspin, there were even articles on time and msnbc and some others that I cant remember the name of. I try to make sure I know what everyone is listening to so I can have a more open opinion about the subject, even if I do not believe the articles to be well written or lacking bias, if it is what people are reading I want to know the opinion exists so I can brown townyze it. That is why I am asking you what sources you have to back this up.

yeah, except those youtubers weren't paid over $150,000 to create their own original content.
I thought she was paid to create a series of videos regaurding loveism in games and other such things, and the money would go into costs of production including but not limited to purchasing games.
the fact that she can't even get her own footage could very easily mean she hasn't even bought the games, let alone play them.
The amount of time it would take her to play through each and every game start to finish while recording all the footage would not be conducive to a timely output of content. She would be spending more time playing than she would doing research or even producing the videos. You don't need to play through the entire campaign of San Andreas to see whether the game frequently presents and encourages players to take advantage of them. (The hookers are walking disposable health machines that you can then kill to get even more reward from)

it wouldnt suprise me, as she IS the one who said she doesnt like video games.
I hadn't ever heard that before and it is weird she would want to improve a medium she doesn't wish to partake in but ok I will look this up to verify your claim.

it's almost like she DOESNT play video games...
Everyone plays videogames these days, that is another argment however so lets avoid this.

and she's like... a con artist or something...
Ok I am still waiting for that bit of supporting evidence as well.

so if someone sent you child research over twitter, you're telling me the obvious thing to do would be to show the name of the twitter page containing child research, and then refuse to take the tweet down or even apologize. real nice.
I am not saying that is what I would do, nor am I saying that is the right decision. I am saying that I understand her desire to make it known the abuse she is receiving.

I won't support a movement (i.e. Anita, Zoe Quinn etc) that is in favour of rejecting the principles of game design and being truly open and free to all, to instead shove ridiculous and immoral messages down the gaming community's throat for the sake of some false ideal of "social justice" while villainising those who are attempting to speak out about how shoddy their stances are, going so far as to use the same tactics as the extremists on the #GamerGate side.

Laidos, you're welcome to think as you please, but I'm in disbelief that anybody would want to support a side that doesn't actually care for the medium or its impact, and simply has beef with specific people who use the medium.

Gamasutra, kotaku, gamedevmagazine or whatever it was called, giantbomb, deadspin,
you could not have given a worse answer
i cant even respond to the rest i mean no wonder you have no clue what you're talking about

I won't support a movement (i.e. Anita, Zoe Quinn etc) that is in favour of rejecting the principles of game design and being truly open and free to all, to instead shove ridiculous and immoral messages down the gaming community's throat for the sake of some false ideal of "social justice" while villainising those who are attempting to speak out about how shoddy their stances are, going so far as to use the same tactics as the extremists on the #GamerGate side.

Laidos, you're welcome to think as you please, but I'm in disbelief that anybody would want to support a side that doesn't actually care for the medium or its impact, and simply has beef with specific people who use the medium.
I, as a game developer myself, very much care about the creative content in games.
I believe each person should be allowed to make their own games.
And that is what I beleive is being purported by both sides, they are just missing eachothers points.

I have not heard any claims requesting the destruction of all current games as they are made. I don't hear of people planning on boycotting the next COD cause it doesn't have a female lead character. What I hear are "there isn't enough games that don't consist of a white male shooting a bunch of non-white possibly-non-males in quest of token female".

People are scared because of the discussion, they don't want to see their shooter covered in loveism, but it doesn't change the game. You can still have fun playing it, as long as you acknowledge that your commercial feedback into the system will facilitate further game production, and if the game you are playing purports loveism, then your purchase of that game will entice developers to make games with more loveist content.

These games can still exist, created by the demographic that would like to play them, I just would like to play, and create, something different.

you could not have given a worse answer
AND YET you are not giving any other alternatives.
Please where are you getting your sources?

AND YET you are not giving any other alternatives.
Please where are you getting your sources?
i didnt base my entire opinion off of extremely bad news sources, actually, i based it off of stuff she has actually done.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 05:43:56 PM by Kimon² »

i didnt base my entire opinion off of extremely bad news sources, actually, i literally based it off of stuff she has actually done.
No, what you are doing, (besides consistently misusing the word literally), is going around in loops. I have addressed what you mentioned based on your claims for why she is a con artist and I remain unconvinced.

I implore you, sir, a name, a website, anything I can google, that you are currrently referencing, to back up your claims.

If I'm honest, I like Gamasutra, but specifically for the game design-orientated articles. Before all this drama, there was a lot of really awesome developer theories and study materials which was helpful. Still is, if you can get around the #GamerGate-related stuff.

I, as a game developer myself, very much care about the creative content in games.
But how much do you actually study into games? Do you only care for the technical aspects, or have you looked into the theory? If I mentioned "Marshall McLuhan" to you, does that ring any (important) bells?

I believe each person should be allowed to make their own games.
So do I. But I also believe that we cannot allow ourselves to stuff all over principles because of the moral messages of the game. If you don't like the morals, make your own games or make a critique, but don't take other people's money and don't make stuff games about it.

I have not heard any claims requesting the destruction of all current games as they are made. I don't hear of people planning on boycotting the next COD cause it doesn't have a female lead character.
I'm guessing you were completely deaf when they announced Assassin's Creed Unity, and a boycott was called thanks to Anita because there were "no females".

What I hear are "there isn't enough games that don't consist of a white male shooting a bunch of non-white possibly-non-males in quest of token female".
I hear none of that, because nobody cares. The gamers suck because they won't try new things that don't consist of $10,000,000,000 budgets, and the moral minority sucks because they don't care about games.

People are scared because of the discussion, they don't want to see their shooter covered in loveism, but it doesn't change the game.
People are scared because other people intend to change the medium to suit their own agendas, and to hell with gaming staples. I actually don't like shooters, but I would never in a million years ask for the entire genre to be killed off because it purports bad stereotypes.

There seems to be this stupid belief that everyone in the industry needs to be the next Jesus, and only make games that fit some moral criteria. I want to make games that teach and help people in their real lives, but that's my own personal goal. Every game designer should be allowed to do as they please in terms of design, and it is up to the gaming community to decide what they want, not some group of Tumblr-queens.

You can still have fun playing it, as long as you acknowledge that your commercial feedback into the system will facilitate further game production, and if the game you are playing purports loveism, then your purchase of that game will entice developers to make games with more loveist content.
You are loving mental.

These games can still exist, created by the demographic that would like to play them, I just would like to play, and create, something different.
Look at the indie scene. There are these games being created. It's because of these stupid movements and actions of people, that the mainstream gamers want to ignore indie developers who are actually trying to make a damn good difference.

No, what you are doing, (besides consistently misusing the word literally), is going around in loops. I have addressed what you mentioned based on your claims for why she is a con artist and I remain unconvinced.

I implore you, sir, a name, a website, anything I can google, that you are currrently referencing, to back up your claims.
her twitter account
her videos
recorded footage of her

did i not say i based it off of stuff she has done

If that is abuse and a normal reaction then Dong Nguyen and Jack Thompson should be hidden in a bunker in Nevada by now defended by the FBI and about 7 other anti-terrorist organizations or something.
Not to mention that I should also hide under my sheets and ask mamma to smooch my hed cuz a 7 year old screamed "IMA KILL U" at me in chat. I feel legitimately threathened because of that.
Pls help.
No but seriously, Anita is cancer. Complaining about loveism in the industry is only creating more problems for it since it hasn't been a issue in years and nobody commended things like GTA SA for it that much as they would if it was released today, and if it did, it wouldn't live to begin with because of "muh mysoginy" complaints, it wouldn't ever possibly be the same game. Nor POSTAL 2, or other similar games. Heck, even Saints Row.
However, it's not the issue of loveism itself, it's what the (what has become rather handicapped definition of) "feminist movement" does in order to breakfix games that were not meant for them, the devs should not even give a single forget about them or their complaints since there are other thousands of games that can be played by them. AND even so, some males play female games and nobody complains because it's simply not the meant demographic.
If a developer publicly announces a game for both the male and female audience strictly then "feminists" have all the right to complain about loveism in it because at that point it becomes a moral issue.
I mean come loving on she addressed Princess Peach of being a (in similar terms) "maiden in distress" in the series, oh so fragile and powerless. What the forget man, how can you defend that?

Also if you inform yourself from Kotaku/Gamesutra/Polygon you are part of the issue. Kotaku has never brought any benefits to gaming journalism. It just brings more crap to the table.

If you want to hear an actual, serious feminist talk about what is "loveism in videogames" see

I, as a game developer myself, very much care about the creative content in games.
I believe each person should be allowed to make their own games.
And that is what I beleive is being purported by both sides, they are just missing eachothers points.

The casual consumer literally does not give a forget what game is developed if it's not for it's demographic, the existence of irrelevant games for males (ala Barbie and Baby simulation or other such games) does not even go through the head of those people.
Meanwhile, there is Feminist Frequency and "feminists" which aggressively try to combat this crap that is not an issue in gaming, and if it was indeed an issue, they should simply plain out ignore the game as it's whole as it's outside their demographic.
The previous state of industry did not have limits for creative content in games. As far as it goes forward, this creates limitations. I don't see your point or how the heck can you defend this as a game developer yourself. Maybe you don't want to make games with girls with huge hooters but who gives a stuff about that, someone else may, will, and has. Saying that you defend creative content but at the same time defend people who input limitations on things you oppose since they're simply outside of your interest is as self-centered as it can go.

She reviewed a game, the same as many a person had done before, except she started being threatened with death. Thats kind of a big loving deal, so yeah it makes sense she would be pissed off.
Maybe it's a big loving deal to people who have never heard of the internet, but for most people on here death threats don't matter.

Complaining about loveism in the industry is only creating more problems for it since it hasn't been a issue in years and nobody commended things like GTA SA for it that much as they would if it was released today