
Whats the point of playing this if nobody seems to care?

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Author Topic: BLF Plays Fallout 3 [MASSIVE IMG HEAVY, SCREENSHOT LET'S PLAY]  (Read 40543 times)

Talk to Rhombus and then Maxson.

Radscorpions attacked, but they were quickly massacred.

Poor bastard got crushed by a..... really giant mutant.

Mutants, INCOMING!

Death to mutants! DIE!

7 seconds later

The End Even with an Alien Blaster, you will still get your ass kicked.

restart and kill mootants

Fun Fact: I actually removed most of the pictures because it would probably be too gory.



Blood gushes out of the Mutant Lieutenant as the Alien Blaster fails to disintegrate him.

His skull cracks open from the inside and his organs dissolve.

The Lieutenant dies a bloody loving mess.

Base set to self destruct.

I made it to Adytum after destroying Mariposa and the Vats! These people seem nice enough. The old man wants me to go kill the Blades.

Plot Twist! The Regulators(security force for Adytum/Boneyard) are evil bastards.

Deathclaws, meet minigun.

Does this minigun blend deathclaws? Yes! It blends!

The Blades now have enough guns, ammo, and armor to invade Adytum and liberate it from the Regulators.

Zimmerman learned the awful truth. Now that he knew too much, the Regulators shot him in the eyes, causing them to explode like a blood sausage. At the exact moment that Zimmerman died, gunshots sounded out all over the Boneyard.

The battle for Adytum had begun.

Next update: "Blending" all of the Regulators in Adytum with a minigun.

causing them to explode like a blood sausage. At the exact moment that Zimmerman died.

Look for clues about the Master's location.

The residents of Adytum are really tearing the Regulators apart!

Adytum is free. Now to find the Master. These Children of the Cathedral guys are suspicious.

Sorry, guys. I have to disguise as them. Stay here, Dogmeat. Don't you dare run into a forcefield or something.

Canonicly(according to the Vault Dweller's Memoirs), Dogmeat died running into a forcefield at Mariposa Military Base. Fallout Fixt lets you save Dogmeat by telling him to stay outside and not die horribly.

Found a guy named Morpheus who forced me to visit the Master.

ALTERNATE ENDING: Join the Mutants

I get dumped into the vats despite the fact that I DESTROYED Mariposa.

Mutants invade Vault 13 and capture/kill everyone.

The Overseer makes his last stand against the muties and is beaten up.

Cut to static.

The End.

Next Update: The real ending

[Speech:SUCCESS] You suck. Mutants can't reproduce. Heres proof. Now kill yourself.

[Suicidal Despair] THIS CANNOT BE! Hello, cruel world! Also, I'm going to nuke myself and this entire godamn cathedral, so get your ass moving.

Cmon, Dogmeat! We're heroes! We saved the Wasteland from Mutants!

I destroyed the Vats first, and then I killed the Master. The remaining Mutants fled East to avoid being hunted down.

The Ghouls of Necropolis survived thanks to the fact that I repaired their water pump. They eventually sell technology to other towns for a profit.

Shady Sands became the NCR, or National Cash Register New California Republic. Aradesh and Seth would eventually go missing and be presumed dead when they tried to look for Vault 13. Tandi then became president of NCR untill she died. Many years into the future, NCR would eventually discover a bunch of derranged Live Action Role-Players known as Caesar's Legion, and patrol the Mojave wasteland while wishing for a nuclear winter.

Now that Gizmo the fat bastard is dead, Junktown prospered under Killian's hand. Life is fair and safe.

The Brotherhood Of Steel helped the rest of humanity drive away the Mutants. They slowly introduce new technology into the Wasteland.

The Hub still remains in one piece. I could care less about that place.

On the way back to the Vault, I came back to the Khans(the raiders I freed Tandi from) and wiped them all out to the last man I could see. Unfortunately, a Khan named Darion survived. With Darion alive, the Khans regrouped years into the future.

You saved us all. Now get the forget out.
W-Wait, what the hell?
Everyone will want to leave the Vault and go into the incredibly dangerous Wasteland! You'll ruin the experiment! I'm sorry. You're a hero...... And you have to leave.

You know what, Overseer?


Go fornicate yourself.

With one shot from my .223 pistol, the Overseer exploded into bloody chunks. Good riddance.

Holy crap! The Overseer has CLONES!

[On speaker] You are NOT welcome here! LEAVE!
Let me in!
Traitor! We don't want your kind in here! Stay out or else!
Ian, help me break into this vault.

Song: "Maybe" by The Ink Spots

Maybe you`ll think of me when you are all alone

Maybe the one who is waiting for you

Will prove untrue, then what will you do?

Maybe you`ll sit and sigh, wishing that I were near

Then maybe you`ll ask me to come back again

And maybe I`ll say `Maybe`

Its...... Done. Killed them all. If I can't have my only home back, then these forgeters can't either.

Goodbye, Vault 13.

I told you this Let's Play was non-canon. Fallout 1 does NOT end with the Vault Dweller(Nick Walter, in this case) breaking into Vault 13 and massacring everyone, unfortunately. How else will there be a sequel?

This Let's Play inspired by every single Screenshot Let's Play on Something awful, and the Fallout LP's on the Let's Play archive.

Final Update: Epilogue
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 08:26:10 PM by tber123 »


Whats this? Some police box? Policemen still exist in the Wasteland?

What does this button do? OH CRA-----

Ignore the above text, I forgot to edit it.
And so the tale of Nick "Blue" Walter ends..... For now. He and Dogmeat were taken by a Police Box and never seen again. Dogmeat was teleported to the Cafe Of Broken Dreams, and Nick Walter had a surprise waiting for him.

Ian eventually settled down in Vault City under the alias "Old Joe". Old age caught up with him, and he forgot the location of Vault 13.
Tycho just plain vanished, although rumor has it that he was kidnapped by a group known as the Enclave and killed.

To be continued in: Fallout 2

eat waterchip
"Now I suppose you're going to tell me you're just out looking for a water chip. Do I look dumb? Get him!"

"Now I suppose you're going to tell me you're just out looking for a water chip. Do I look dumb? Get him!"

"Who the hell is this anyway?"

"Who the hell is this anyway?"

"I am Rhombus, head of the Paladins. I train those willing to learn."

"...seen hundreds of years later..."
Pretty sure Fallout 2 takes place 80 years after the original.

"I am Rhombus, head of the Paladins. I train those willing to learn."

Pretty sure Fallout 2 takes place 80 years after the original.
"How did you get through the defenses mate?"