Author Topic: so my family is extremely concerned over my brother (drama pg.4)  (Read 10092 times)

i never knew abusing fallacy terms was a new fad

I feel like people shouldn't be allowed to use most logical fallacy terms anymore, and should actually have to fully explain why the argument is fallacious in detail. That would improve everyone's debate skills. Maybe.

No, ad hominem is when someone makes a personal attack as the central point of their argument. Like, if a politician said, "The other candidate is a woman, so her foreign policy plan is pointless", that would be ad hominem because the other politician is using a personal attack to discredit her foreign policy. But if the same politician said, "The other candidate's foreign policy is ridiculous because she wants to annex Cuba. What a dumb woman!", the personal attack has nothing to do with his argument. It's just something he stuck at the end of his sentence to be a jerk. Not ad hominem.

Half the time, a personal attack is used as an extra jab that is not part of a person's argument. That's why it's not an ad hominem attack. Know the difference.
The entire post was a "personal attack."

First line: personal attack
Second line: rhetorical question showing confidence in their personal attack

I don't know if he made more points against Alternative in previous posts, but that post, that one post, is entirely ad hominem. There is no other content in the post, literally.

The entire post was a "personal attack."

-whoa it's me-

First line: personal attack
Second line: rhetorical question showing confidence in their personal attack

I don't know if he made more points against Alternative in previous posts, but that post, that one post, is entirely ad hominem. There is no other content in the post, literally.

i wasn't trying to undermine or deny his statement (purpose of ad hominem, IIRC); just had to point some things out myself  :cookieMonster:

First line: personal attack
Second line: rhetorical question showing confidence in their personal attack
A personal attack is not ad hominem.

so how about that keith huh

so how about that keith huh

he's dead; his brother killed him in a Self Delete bombing because there was too much swag in the family

I'd been having this feelings as of late, and I met criteria to go to an Inpatient Treatment Center for roughly 8-9 days. Even though it's isolating, its been good for me. I met a lot of good people and it was very therapeutic interacting with most of em'. After I came off of high precautions, I got switched to Residential Care (which is a bit more laid back), and I'm on Day Treatment now, so I'm able to post about this.

If anything, the worst thing you can do is let this stuff sit. I'd highly recommend at least one of the above options. Don't get me wrong, I hated it then and I still do, but I've acknowledged that I needed it. It's something to try, at least. I don't know too much about your situation, so I can't judge personally, but if he's in a critical state, that'd be better than letting him do it and then spending months in UNI. This is all just from personal experience, but if you have any questions or concerns, I'd be happy to answer them in a PM, or whatever works. Thanks for posting.

OP was banned and I doubt he read that, but good 4 you m9.
Ah, damn. I didn't even notice. Thanks for letting me know, anyway.

ad hominem using stereotypes is ok cuz its true.

ad hominem using stereotypes is ok cuz its true.
question is, are you immune to ad-hominems if you have ad-block?

I'm thinking about selling kits on etsy.  
actually not a bad idea
i'd buy one

The same people who really like to douche out logical fallacies in arguments, even thought they're mostly right, also like bukkake all over their face. It's just unwritten fact from generations of personal experience.