Author Topic: ArmyUnit's Elemental Bosses (Back on the shelf for awhile)  (Read 25814 times)

if i make a boss battles with waterpack does that mean youll update it

Fite me m8. Your dinosaurs and my Gaster Blasters.

We'll go down in HISSSSTORY!!!!!


if i make a boss battles with waterpack does that mean youll update it

You can try that, but you'll probably be disappointed in the result  :cookieMonster:

[img width=700 ][/img]

Glad I could be of help! And thank you for actually using these mods at all, haha

Oh hey dude! Been ages since I've seen you around here, glad to have you back. :)
MAS and the Bug mods are still alive, but they've become more of a secondary project for me. I've been more invested in non-blockland projects as of late. I fully intend to at the very least finish and release the MAS Exo-suit, though.

and im glad (ish :P) to be back! (truthuly i found almost all of the models i had for the SC mod that was im trying to deside if i should just give them to blockland community so they can make them work :P)

also yay Exo-suit! i want to do Exo-suit vs Thor! :P

I feel like I should post this so that people know progress has kinda sorta been made:

Ice walls! ..Well, they function like walls, anyway. The code for these was done by Lordician ages ago, but I was undecided on how to design the model for the longest time, and the whole concept just fell to the side for awhile.

I'm still not 100% happy with the model, and I might make the individual ice shards  look a little more square/diamond shaped (similar to how the Elementals themselves' are styled).

Also I really ought to finish up that new attack for Iceus. Maybe I'll work on that today for a bit.

and im glad (ish :P) to be back! (truthuly i found almost all of the models i had for the SC mod that was im trying to deside if i should just give them to blockland community so they can make them work :P)

also yay Exo-suit! i want to do Exo-suit vs Thor! :P

I would love to see more SC mods make their way into Blockland, so if you want to release them then go for it! :)
Exo-suit vs Thor would be pretty interesting haha

I expected them to be a bit more wall-ish, but this will do, certainly.
As an alternative or possibility, maybe they should act as totems and buff or debuff targets around them.

I expected them to be a bit more wall-ish, but this will do, certainly.
As an alternative or possibility, maybe they should act as totems and buff or debuff targets around them.

yeah I was thinking about adding some sort of AoE slow to them or something. If anyone has any neat ideas please do post!

I guess they look less like walls and more like spikes coming out of the ground because I was thinking of making a smaller/cheaper spike version to be spawned through right-click or something. Would be a short-lived version that would deal damage to things close to it when it was spawned. Could maybe even take it step further and have a row of spikes come out (think the Lurker's attack from StarCraft).

With all that said, it might be better to keep things simple. But I'm sure we can come up with a mix of ideas that aren't too crazy.

reminds me of the ice spell from the spell pack

reminds me of the ice spell from the spell pack
What about the earth spell?

I fully intend to at the very least finish and release the MAS Exo-suit

I want this so badly

OT: It's nice to see you're still working on this Army.

I would love to see more SC mods make their way into Blockland, so if you want to release them then go for it! :)
Exo-suit vs Thor would be pretty interesting haha

alright the models are here

wounder if anyone will use them :P

alright the models are here

wounder if anyone will use them :P

Nice! I seriously might do something with that Stalker model.

Got a lot of work done on a new thing
Maybe I will post more about this new thing s00n

What do you guys thing about generalizing the weapon names a bit. For instance, instead of "Glisten Slash", it would be called "Ice Slash" (or perhaps "Ice- Slash" maybe?). This change would be nice for ensuring the weapons of this pack are grouped together in the UI, and I don't want to imply that certain weapons should only be used with certain bosses.

i dont think that would be a problem - it would definitely be easier to get a sense of what weapons are available and what they do, versus scrollling through the whole list looking for anything that looks like an elemental spell