Author Topic: nobody cares how old you are.  (Read 24537 times)
noedit: your behaviour is blatantly hostile, unlike that depicted in the comic
you are clearly angry, i don't know why insist on denying it like a toddler lol

Well, now I'm just offended. I bet you also joke about Ebola.

Seriously though, I've been ignoring your questions because I cannot take you seriously, Rally. You have this angry attitude about you, and every post of yours in this thread is super serious.

I want to like you, but you keep acting like somebody stuck an entire shovel up your arse.

I really do believe that, regardless of what you're trying to say, you're acting far too aggressive. Just calm down and let's start from scratch.

I really just cannot understand this mindset at all. Is it because I used "forget" or an insult? I use forget to provide emphasis, I use insults to prolong the argument. I am literally just talking here, I'm not executing any manifesto here, I'm just putting down my thoughts. That's it. If you actually managed to make me angry, I'd go punch a wall and come back and get back to it. Seriously. How do you even express anger on the internet unless it's a skype call? Anger is a form of expression / facial demeanor / ect., it's a physical emotion, and you can't express it with text UNLESS YOU USE CAPS TO IMPLY SCREAMING OR SOMETHING which never has a place in any kind of argument

It's an aggressive world. If you're not assertive, you're nothing. Nobody will ever listen to what you have to say in the real world if you don't assert it with confidence. IMO, There's absolutely no point in saying something if you don't stand by it 100%.

If you say anything about me being 'too angry' or some worthless garbage I'm just going to ignore it. Seriously, it's irrelevant, and this mindless assumption game isn't doing a thing for anyone.

Can you please explain, in nice, simple terms, why you dislike birthday threads being posted?

You're right. People want to talk with others. Thing is, you cannot talk about someone having a birthday, it is literally impossible. There is absolutely nothing to be said about someone turning a different age, except for maybe the social philosophy behind having a construct such as birthdays. And that doesn't interest many people.

Now when I say "without birthday topics, the quality of this forum would do nothing but improve", I mean the topics that have absolutely no conversation point at all. They just simple become stale bastions of random off-topic garbage and terrible jokes. They do nothing at all. What I WOULD like to see however, is someone coming in and talking about their birthday, what that means in their life, what changes are ahead of them, what excitement they have for the upcoming change in education/responsibility/whatever, maybe share a story. That would be cool, because that is content. Anything less? No point. Just spam.

noedit: your behaviour is blatantly hostile, unlike that depicted in the comic
you are clearly angry, i don't know why insist on denying it like a toddler lol

I can belligerently smash somebody to pieces in an internet argument with great hostility, while laughing at you. I don't get it. I don't know why you keep insisting I'm angry without proof like an egocentric toddler.

I can belligerently smash somebody to pieces in an internet argument with great hostility
omg i'm dying

rally is so unbelievable off topic right now, just let him keep argueing. he'll get himself banned eventually.

you think he can enter some sort of loop where he just argues with himself?

you think he can enter some sort of loop where he just argues with himself?
oh most certainly.
he's basically been doing that the entire time thus far.

Lmao. Can't post anything on the forums anymore can you.
Are you on your period or something or does little stuff like this always get to you?

why are you guys so intimidated by a little bit of talking

nobody's intimidated by you in the least lol

Well I didn't say anything about being intimidated by me, I said intimidated by a little bit of talking. Which you seem to be intimidated by 2 paragraphs.

Well I didn't say anything about being intimidated by me, I said intimidated by a little bit of talking. Which you seem to be intimidated by 2 paragraphs.
He doesn't want to read your rants because they're loving dumb.
You're ranting about people making birthday threads, why would he even bother reading it?

I'm really not ranting about people making birthday threads, if you read the 'loving dumb' posts you would realize that I reaaalllly don't care if people do or don't make birthday threads, I'm just saying they're useless. And I'll stand by that point.

I'm really not ranting about people making birthday threads, if you read the 'loving dumb' posts you would realize that I reaaalllly don't care if people do or don't make birthday threads, I'm just saying they're useless. And I'll stand by that point.
But when we called you out on it, you began to defend yourself and argue that they really are useless?

But when we called you out on it, you began to defend yourself and argue that they really are useless?

I'm not following. Called me out on what?

I'm really not ranting about people making birthday threads
yeah... no
check this out
A birthday topic? What the forget does that do for anyone? Here, let me jot down "happy birthday" and go about my business. What a waste of time.