(]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!


Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 160152 times)

blitz must have hit like a truck

i have dishonored the clan, i must commit sepukku

blitz must have hit like a truck
funny thing, his skin was piltover customs
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 06:09:45 PM by Renousim »

dear katarina,

suck a fat rooster

non-katarina players

dear katarina,

suck a fat rooster

non-katarina players
you are gonna get your nuts kicked into your throat

Anybody wanna do an all Ionian team comp?

If we do must have champions are Wukong and Varus

If you wanna do it add Renousim on League of Legends and I'll add you to a list once you say your IGN and your champion

Mid: Renousim, Akali

where did you place?
Last season (like two weeks ago) I was silver 3.
Now it's time for me to work my way back up.

Never said I was good, just that I wanted to play with people.

Anybody wanna do an all Ionian team comp?

If we do must have champions are Wukong and Varus

If you wanna do it add Renousim on League of Legends and I'll add you to a list once you say your IGN and your champion

Mid: Renousim, Akali

hello I tried to add you
I'll go lee sin jungle I guess
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 04:07:10 PM by Katadeus »

Anybody wanna do an all Ionian team comp?

If we do must have champions are Wukong and Varus

If you wanna do it add Renousim on League of Legends and I'll add you to a list once you say your IGN and your champion

Mid: Renousim, Akali
Jngl: Katadeus, Lee Sin

What league are ya'll in?

Kat is in gold, I'm still unranked cause I'm lvl 24

I'm still unranked cause I'm lvl 24
I'll join your team.

Champs I play usually:

Adc: Caitlyn, Corki
Jungle: Nocture, Nautilus, Fiddlesticks
Support: Thresh, Soraka
Mid: Veigar

Other owned champions: Amumu, Annie, Garen, Kassidin, Kayle, Morgana, Sivir, Teemo, Warwick

i sent you a friend request renousim, i'm best top but i can be any role

If you guys didn't notice I said it had to be Ionian