Author Topic: you nostalgia you lose v1990  (Read 247680 times)

Lol I just googled "wood train set" and this was the first picture I chose

Super ultra mega nostalgia

I didn't have a lot of fancy buildings and animals but I had a huge mess of tracks. When I was older they were stored it the garage and got moldy so we threw em out :(
oh my god i had these and i would build a lego city around them and play with trains and stuff
i lost so hard you have no idea

Super ultra mega nostalgia

I didn't have a lot of fancy buildings and animals but I had a huge mess of tracks. When I was older they were stored it the garage and got moldy so we threw em out :(

can we count this as cheating

Please tell me I aren't the only forumer who played this.
i never played skullmonkeys but i wanted to ever since i beat the neverhood

weirdly enough I just got done looking at a bunch of videos of the new spiritual successor that's coming out soon this year and im so hyped aaah
also on the topic of ps1 games:

^this damn game kept me and my siblings busy for weeks until we decided to throw it to the curb because our agumon would only digivolve into a stupid ass numemon. we just wanted to see him digivolve into the badass metalgreymon on the cover. we never even got past the bit with the caves, in the very beginning of the game.

i also used to play these demo discs a ton:

Wait what's this called, it looks familiar
rayman for the ps1 the best rayman

this reminded me of gauntlet dark legacy

quoting the ones that made me lose would be the same as quoting the entire thing

Super ultra mega nostalgia

I didn't have a lot of fancy buildings and animals but I had a huge mess of tracks. When I was older they were stored it the garage and got moldy so we threw em out :(
on one of my birthdays my grandparents got me a 8 sided track piece where you could make the train spin
that was a good birthday

OH and at some kinda fair thing or whatever one year there was this guy who sold trains that were carved into letters, and my mom got the ones that spelled my name and they were made for those tracks
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 10:35:29 AM by gr8dayseth »

I also remember playing with those in bookstores. They always had tables with the trains sets on them in the kid's section

Also, I'm guessing most of you would be too young to know what this is. I played with it all the time at my grandparent's house
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 01:41:05 PM by Skig² »

man i remember the good old days  :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 07:22:25 PM by Biostorm »