
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246336 times)

Faw heads to the ready room.

Markus continues to reflect on his mistakes. For example, why did he say he was going to evac when he just stayed to fire on Paladius anyways? The world may never know.

Once all able Aesthian pilots are in the ready room, Sky Marshal Tarkirov enters to give the briefing.

: As you know, the Goths have landed a carrier in Ozolin Park, near downtown. I have authorized four cruisers to bombard its position and destroy it, but the carrier is still armed and operational. It can't launch planes from where it's at, but it still possesses enough firepower to fend off our attack force almost singlehandedly.

A top-down schematic-like view of the Dictator-class is brought up, with weapons systems highlighted.

10x Dorsal Vertical-launch heavy silos (Orange)
6x Prow horizontal-launch heavy silos (Red)
12x Broadside horizontal-launch medium silos (Also red)
3x Heavy particle cannon single turrets (Yellow)
2x Heavy particle cannon dual turrets (Also yellow)
31x Laser anti-missile systems (Blue)
12x SAM silos (Purple)
7x Beam laser arrays (Green)

: Those ten cruise missile silos carry the potential to blow our cruisers away one after another as they close the distance, and as the park it's in is surrounded by buildings we won't even be able to accurately return fire without exposing ourselves to the particle cannons. Even if all four cruisers get to release their payloads, the thirty-one LAMS installations provide a nearly impenetrable shield over the central superstructure. They won't be able to stop every single bomb, but they could shoot down enough that we would need another attack run to finally take it down, and under that sort of anti-ship firepower that is simply not an option. We need you to destroy at least half of the point-defense and anti-ship weapons for this attack to have even a remote chance of success.

: Engaging it from above is Self Delete. Plain and simple. The sheer number of LAMS will destroy any incoming missiles or bombs, you'll be under constant SAM locks, and if you try to get close enough to use guns the LAMS will tear you to pieces. Our only shot at declawing this monster before the fleet arrives lies at the end of some seriously dangerous piloting.

Tarkirov points at a map display on a separate screen. Specifically, to a wide boulevard terminating at the park.
: Volk street. A two mile long straightaway of arterial road stretching from the business district to Ozolin Park and giving you a straight shot at the carrier's starboard side. At altitudes this low and with buildings all around, SAMs will have a difficult time targeting you; and at the angle you're approaching you will only be under fire from the forward dual turret, one beam laser, and half as many LAMS and SAMS as you would be if you were attacking from above.

: I know you're tired, you've all worked your asses off these past few days. But if we fail here, the fleet will have to withdraw, Imperial reinforcements will arrive, and everything we have accomplished here will be undone. Make it happen.

: Better ask that Kintharian maintenance team about splicing the systems from a Culex into a regular plane..

Bell heads down to the hangar to look for the Wyvern's maintenance team to pitch her idea.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 02:12:50 PM by Operator¹ »

Bell heads down to the hangar to look for the Wyvern's maintenance team to pitch her idea.
The Wyvern's maintenance team is, predictably, maintaining the Wyvern.

: You guys have any ideas for taking out some of the emplacements on that carrier?

: "That carrier"? Do you mean this one? Is this a test of loyalty or something?
: [Shut up.] What carrier?

: The Imperial dreidecker that's sitting in the middle of the city and waiting for reinforcements to arrive before this battlegroup performs a bombing run on it.

The Imperial dreidecker that's sitting in the middle of the city and waiting for reinforcements to arrive before this battlegroup performs a bombing run on it.
: Its bottom half is not as thoroughly covered as the top. Employ jamming and engage them at low altitude from and afar, working in tandem with ground-based precision missile artillery. That is what our forces attempted at Huexotla, and it nearly saw us victory.

: It's unfortunate that the carrier landed though, planes can't go underground.

"I expect that we will fly with all of the heavy coaxials in our inventory. I would not be apposed to bringing the Skepna along even as it is damaged. The ESAMs I'm going to bring are ablative and jamming,"

: Could you come up to the briefing room so we can come up with a strategy for hitting the carrier?

: Could you come up to the briefing room so we can come up with a strategy for hitting the carrier?
The technicians exchange confused looks, then the leader orders all but one of them to continue work. The leader and the unassigned mechanic follow Bell back to the ready room.

Gus eyes up the mechanics as they walk in and allows them to take in the Dictator-class's schematics and the flight plan for a moment before clearing his throat and speaking.

"As you can see, we have quite the task ahead of us. Before the cruisers can level this carrier, we'll need to neuter the defenses to a minimum of fifty percent, preferably more. The approach will be risky in the extreme, and our available strike craft are both limited and mostly damaged to some extent."

Gus rubs his chin anxiously while studying the approach for seemingly the hundredth time.

"Some sort of advantage or new way to approach this would be preferable. We've lost a pilot and three more are in the infirmary, don't want to push that total any further if we can help it. I'm not sure if you've encountered something like this before, but any advice would be much appreciated. My only thought now is that we have a Sabre with a nuclear reactor, but... that's a one way trip."
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 06:57:17 PM by CypherX »

: If it's going to be a one way trip then we could probably rig up something to fly the plane remotely, maybe take the guts out of one of the Culexes?