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Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1246478 times)

"Arkhip, what do you think of me?" She realizes that the question is probably sudden. "Like... really think of me." Her eyes are on him now, focused on his face.
Arkhip apparently feels the same way about the question being sudden, considering the wide-eyed look on his face and the way he freezes as he's just about to put another piece of fried crab in his mouth. He sets the food back on the plate and pulls his mask back on.
: Uh... you're a very compassionate person. Like, moreso than almost anyone I've known. The robot, Elu, the way you treat i- er- him as an actual person rather than just a tool is... not... normal? Not saying that you're abnormal or anything, it's just a lot of people don't look at it thinking it's got feelings to respect 'n stuff.

His answer to the question at least partially given, he officially starts to ramble.
: I mean, I guess it's not an uncommon thing for people to empathize with anthropomm- anthropomorphized? Anthro- forgetin- things that look like people. Even sometimes when they don't look like people, I guess, like I heard a story about a police bomb squad who got attached to their EOD robot and were actually sad when the thing blew up defusing a bomb. But I don't think any of them really thought it had feelings or wants like how you treat Elu. Personally I don't know if he actually does, but I think it's better to be cautious and just go with it. Worst case scenario for being nice to him, you've wasted your time worrying about hurting a microchip's feelings. Worst case scenario for being a rooster, he gets mad and kills you in your sleep. Or while you're awake, even.

Cualli shrugs, smiling at his rambling. "I guess he just kind of makes me think of a kid. Maternal instincts, that kind of stuff. Couldn't help but get attached."

She takes a sip from her drink and pulls him back into her original question. "What else about me?"

Tippy and Jaakko head to exit the airport
You have now exited the airport and are standing at the arrival pick-up curb.

Cualli shrugs, smiling at his rambling. "I guess he just kind of makes me think of a kid. Maternal instincts, that kind of stuff. Couldn't help but get attached."
She takes a sip from her drink and pulls him back into her original question. "What else about me?"
He takes a moment to think.
: I... think... you got a nice pair of legs.

Cualli giggles, smiling more. "And I suppose you've had the best view of all of them, haven't you?" Eyes bright, she reaches over to the plate of food, grabs some fried crab, and pops it in her mouth.

Markus continues to lay in the hospital bed in his room, checking to see what's on TV. He switches the channel to whatever news there is.

Tippy looks for and tries to summon transportation

Tippy looks for and tries to summon transportation
As a bewildered crowd looks on, Tippy steps off the curb, procures a stick of chalk and some candles from her pocket, and begins the ritual to summon a daemonic steed from the Kth plane of Yg'sl'th'ntt'rg
There is a line of taxi cabs already waiting nearby. The two of you approach one, put your bags in the trunk, and then Tippy lets the driver know the destination.

Cualli giggles, smiling more. "And I suppose you've had the best view of all of them, haven't you?" Eyes bright, she reaches over to the plate of food, grabs some fried crab, and pops it in her mouth.
You can see the liquored-up gears turn in his head as he tries to make sense of what you said before it finally clicks. Eremit nods knowingly.
: I suppose I have.

Markus continues to lay in the hospital bed in his room, checking to see what's on TV. He switches the channel to whatever news there is.
You find coverage of the same story Cualli saw regarding Porlaq's government being toppled.

Jaakko looks around at the city around him.

Cualli downs the last of her drink, the flirty grin stuck on her face. "Ask nicely and I'll give you another nice view," she murmurs, resting her chin on a hand again and leaning over the table a little. "Keep you warm in the cold Moro- Moravian winter."

The empty glass is still in her other hand, and she lifts it to her mouth to take a sip. A look of confusion replaces her earlier expression and she looks down at her glass. "Oh," Cualli says, breaking into another giggle.

Cualli downs the last of her drink, the flirty grin stuck on her face. "Ask nicely and I'll give you another nice view," she murmurs, resting her chin on a hand again and leaning over the table a little. "Keep you warm in the cold Moro- Moravian winter."

The empty glass is still in her other hand, and she lifts it to her mouth to take a sip. A look of confusion replaces her earlier expression and she looks down at her glass. "Oh," Cualli says, breaking into another giggle.
Most people wouldn't be able to pick up on it, but Cualli is familiar enough with Arkhip that she can recognize when he's grinning behind his mask.
: I might take you up on that.

He somewhat trails off as he looks over to watch an argument unfolding at another table.

Jaakko looks around at the city around him.

The Kintharian city your hotel is in proves to forge an impressive skyline of skyscrapers for business or pleasure. As you get closer, daylight bounces glaringly off of the windows of the monolitic skyscrapers of glass and steel. Despite this looming urban sprawl, the outer parts of the metropolitan area has much, much shorter buildings. Buildings of architectural styles ranging from semi-traditional Kintharian to suburban Mercanan-influenced line the streets. The logos of various hotels, telecommunications, technology, and other companies stand bold and proud on the various towers within the inner city.
The sidewalks are crowded with throngs of people heading this way and that, and the streets are flanked on either side by buildings that only seem to get taller the further into the city you get. Not only that, but as the airport shrinks in the distance behind you, so does the amount of Aesthian and Mercanan translations on signs and stores, as well as foreign influence in general. It never goes away entirely, but its reduction leaves a not-so-subtle reminder that you're still foreigners.
Quite a number of cars are driving themselves, the majority of them taxis, and a couple that probably belong to some big-shot executives. Every now and again you can catch sight of the highways, which occasionally cross over the streets, plus the signage that comes along with it. Most billboards are of the traditional steel and paper variety, although a few end up being similar to the holographic signs in the airport.

Most people wouldn't be able to pick up on it, but Cualli is familiar enough with Arkhip that she can recognize when he's grinning behind his mask.
: I might take you up on that.

He somewhat trails off as he looks over to watch an argument unfolding at another table.
"I hope you do," she says. "Bet it's real cold out here at night. And you know I'm bad with the cold."

Realizing that Arkhip is no longer paying full attention to her, she follows his eyes, looking over at the arguing table.

Jaakko takes in the sight. He studies the city around him, enthralled.

"I don't think you told me all that much about Kintharia, after the first time you went," he says.

He tears himself away from the sights for a moment to address Tippy.

"Any chance we'll meet up with Raiden? Uh- I haven't asked that already, have I?"

"I hope you do," she says. "Bet it's real cold out here at night. And you know I'm bad with the cold."

Realizing that Arkhip is no longer paying full attention to her, she follows his eyes, looking over at the arguing table.
: Where are you from, anyway? I take it you must not be from up north if you're bad with the cold.

"Down by the southern point of the country, kinda close to the border with Plae- Palestra," she says, her words slurring a little. "Very warm down there. And sunny, too," she adds, casting a glance out the window.

"My parents would always tell me that I grew up in a soft climate. No freak humidity or heat or stuff to worry about." She rolls her eyes. "Wouldn't know; never been, never plan to."