
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1245961 times)

: I suppose you could call it that. Why are you here, anyway? I have my doubts that you people would stick your necks out for us if it didn't somehow benefit you even more.

"I'm not quite sure, It's a plethora of things but mainly focuses on my trust of certain people. I don't have much to gain from this but I also didn't have anything to lose at the same time; despite being the top ace in the Airforce I wasn't handed much recognition or reward for serving the majority of the war, My family would've supported my decision given they had the full picture, and I was given an opportunity to swap over easily without bloodshed by the Kintharians."

Walter looks to the side at the landscape again

"I guess it's just a moral choice oddly enough, I have some familiar faces here for now but there's no telling what comes after that."

Tippy stares at the gothic written language of the document for a moment as if she understood the terms and conditions and then signs it.

"I swear to the gods if it turns out to be this easy..." she mumbles, dropping the paper and pen on the desk.
He comes back with a black rifle case and examines the paper you signed. He hands you a packet of paper and another separate form.
: Sign here and here, sign and print here, put the date on this line, and check that box. Then fill out this form. Last name here, first here, middle initial, date of birth, leave those blank and check that box. And that one.

"I'm not quite sure, It's a plethora of things but mainly focuses on my trust of certain people. I don't have much to gain from this but I also didn't have anything to lose at the same time; despite being the top ace in the Airforce I wasn't handed much recognition or reward for serving the majority of the war, My family would've supported my decision given they had the full picture, and I was given an opportunity to swap over easily without bloodshed by the Kintharians."

Walter looks to the side at the landscape again

"I guess it's just a moral choice oddly enough, I have some familiar faces here for now but there's no telling what comes after that."
: So... you left because you didn't feel respected?

: So... you left because you didn't feel respected?

"I'd say so to a certain degree, I have my fair share of being stubborn and being a little unorthodox with how I operate, but I wouldn't mind the option to at least have a little more say in things." Walter lets out a sigh "Perhaps someone didn't want me to have that, or someone never filed my flight operations. The Important thing anyways is I don't want to fight for something that we lose either way-" Walter shifts uneasily and narrows his eyes

"This of course is also all on the merit of a purported nuclear deadman's switch, which I suppose won't change anything for me if it's real or not now that I'm standing here on this carrier. Even if I supported Aesthia; nuclear weapons would be launched on some accord, It can't be all sunshine and rainbows like Tarkirov imagined."

Ok so not super easy but still easy I guess. Could be worse, you could be filling out aesthian forms and waiting for a full month.

Tippy picks the pen back up and begins to fill in the required info.

Ok so not super easy but still easy I guess. Could be worse, you could be filling out aesthian forms and waiting for a full month.

Tippy picks the pen back up and begins to fill in the required info.
The guy comes back and looks over your paperwork. He then sets your rifle on his side of the desk.
: Alright, everything checks out.

He shows you that everything taken from you is accounted for, places the gun inside the case, then closes it and slaps two padlocks on it.
: Here is your gun back. You are not permitted to take it out of this case until registering it with the Bureau of Firearms and either completing a remedial firearm safety course or submitting form 1260-S to the Bureau listing five citizens who can attest to your responsibility.

He sets your paperwork aside, grumbling to himself loud enough for you to hear.
: Or until you go back home to wherever you came from and get the bolt cutters out of your shed, I don't really care.

"I'd say so to a certain degree, I have my fair share of being stubborn and being a little unorthodox with how I operate, but I wouldn't mind the option to at least have a little more say in things." Walter lets out a sigh "Perhaps someone didn't want me to have that, or someone never filed my flight operations. The Important thing anyways is I don't want to fight for something that we lose either way-" Walter shifts uneasily and narrows his eyes

"This of course is also all on the merit of a purported nuclear deadman's switch, which I suppose won't change anything for me if it's real or not now that I'm standing here on this carrier. Even if I supported Aesthia; nuclear weapons would be launched on some accord, It can't be all sunshine and rainbows like Tarkirov imagined."
: Mm, your people would be the ones to imagine the aftermath of atomic genocide as "sunshine and rainbows", wouldn't they.

The guy comes back and looks over your paperwork. He then sets your rifle on his side of the desk.
: Alright, everything checks out.
He shows you that everything taken from you is accounted for, places the gun inside the case, then closes it and slaps two padlocks on it.
: Here is your gun back. You are not permitted to take it out of this case until registering it with the Bureau of Firearms and either completing a remedial firearm safety course or submitting form 1260-S to the Bureau listing five citizens who can attest to your responsibility.
He sets your paperwork aside, grumbling to himself loud enough for you to hear.
: Or until you go back home to wherever you came from and get the bolt cutters out of your shed, I don't really care.
Tippy takes the case and looks at the locks before rolling her eyes.

"Ok yeah thanks whatever. I don't plan on being in stuffville long enough to make friends with the Bureau of Breathing and Minding Everyone Elses Business."

Tippy turns with her friends to leave grumbling loud enough to be heard.

"If I was gonna waste time pretending not to understand a language I'd rather throw myself off a carrier at the highest altitude possible."

: Mm, your people would be the ones to imagine the aftermath of atomic genocide as "sunshine and rainbows", wouldn't they.

"Well, anyone souped up on their share of propaganda to not see the other side of things and just blindly follow Tarkirov and whatever the government has to say, As far as I know the populace doesn't know about this plan. Even then it's completely bogus because the Imperials themselves know and could easily counteract this with some forward warning, I don't understand how they think it can work."

"Well, anyone souped up on their share of propaganda to not see the other side of things and just blindly follow Tarkirov and whatever the government has to say, As far as I know the populace doesn't know about this plan. Even then it's completely bogus because the Imperials themselves know and could easily counteract this with some forward warning, I don't understand how they think it can work."
Paladius opens his mouth to reply but before he can speak he is cut off by the Indomitus' LAMS emplacements all opening fire. Before you can process what is going on, a series of small explosions rips across the carrier's hull almost a dozen meters above your head, leaving you deaf (as well as anyone else on the walkway) and showering you all with shrapnel. Said shrapnel isn't traveling at sufficient velocity to lodge itself in your body or even penetrate your flight suit, but it does leave you with a few painful, shallow cuts on any exposed skin you may have.

Tippy takes the case and looks at the locks before rolling her eyes.
"Ok yeah thanks whatever. I don't plan on being in stuffville long enough to make friends with the Bureau of Breathing and Minding Everyone Elses Business."
Tippy turns with her friends to leave grumbling loud enough to be heard.
"If I was gonna waste time pretending not to understand a language I'd rather throw myself off a carrier at the highest altitude possible."
: You're welcome.

Your party leaves the armory just as alarms throughout the ship start blaring.

Walter jumps and curses aloud while he covers his face for a few moments and stumbles back to the wall, then lifts his arm up to look if anything is in vision before moving towards the door

Tippy wastes no time with the alarms going off and gets into a running pace.

"We're probably gonna be needed at our planes Kirves lets go!"

Jaakko runs, following Tippy.

"[stuff, stuff, stuff!]"
Markus runs his tray to the disposal and makes his way to his aircraft as soon as possible.

Walter jumps and curses aloud while he covers his face for a few moments and stumbles back to the wall, then lifts his arm up to look if anything is in vision before moving towards the door
Looking around yourself you see everyone else on the walkway in an equally dazed stupor, with Virvel confusedly looking back at everyone else as if to make sure she's not imagining things. The evening sky is being lit up by stray LAMS fire from both the Indomitus and the cruiser a few hundred meters out, and a wide, incredibly fast moving silhouette passes between the cruiser and carrier at just above your elevation, seemingly fading into the background as it continues on its path. As you run towards the door you entered from, a missile strikes the deck below you, sending a large piece of debris up through the walkway behind you. Virvel is thrown off her feet on the other side of the newly formed gap, and Arkhip falls forward, his momentum causing him to roll under the railing and fall off the balcony. He grabs the ledge to prevent himself from falling off the carrier entirely, but lacks any foothold to pull himself back up.

Tippy wastes no time with the alarms going off and gets into a running pace.

"We're probably gonna be needed at our planes Kirves lets go!"
Jaakko runs, following Tippy.
You set off running and are almost swept off your feet by a sudden wave of heat and pressure that leaves your lungs empty and ears ringing. Over the sound of your tinnitus you can hear voices screaming and ammunition cooking off from the armory. Nagato braces herself against the wall and looks back in the direction you were running from.

"[stuff, stuff, stuff!]"
Markus runs his tray to the disposal and makes his way to his aircraft as soon as possible.
You reach your plane with nothing life threatening to get in the way.

What the forget

Tippy grabs hold of something while trying to get her breath back and looks back where Nagato was staring. The sound of the screaming and cooking ammunition set off alarms in her head from when she use to operate in a Tank.

Markus finds someone nearby and asks what the hell's going on.