Author Topic: Chewer's Real Life: the worst RP server ever  (Read 9705 times)

Remind me to put sugar's ID on the list of people to have banned by default.

Zoey is ihascupquakes and jofy is ihascupquakes boyfriend. (I ship jofy x zoey btw)
How come I laughed so hard at this

can anyone give me chewer and sugar's BLID?

I was on it and got banned from it for "threatening to DDoS" it, after seeing the MANY imported buildings that were on other servers.

Chewer's BLID: 17529
Possible IP of server (might be):

that doesnt sound like chewer

Well, it was his server. He evidently has a "Brother" monitoring it, maybe that was him... Other than that.
I saw "OfficerKenny" or "Sugar" on there, and she directed us to this post in the chat. The last thing I said to her before she left was "SIGN MY TITS!"

I'm pretty sure he multi clients to run the car wash.

You're making assumptions with no evidence.

Chewer's server is amazing.

That may be what YOU think, but in our eyes, his server loving sucks, lol.

I still need sugar's ID

-- One, The host multicliented himself 3 times to increase the player count and promoted like 10 people to admin and super admin.
I'm pretty sure he multi clients to run the car wash.
Yeah, I think Reinforcements has hit this one on the head. I'm pretty sure he's just a little kid and he actually uses all the clients to play by himself (pretty genious, however sad you may think it is).

-- Second, (this is where it gets dumb) the host promoted Sugar as an admin, and let me tell you, he is the WORST admin in the world (not including the host)
I don't really know sugar but I'm pretty sure calling someone the worst admin ever doesn't really qualify them as the worst admin ever. More evidence is required

-- Third,  I'm pretty sure the build was stolen, the host barely knows how to run the dang server let alone have a good build, it has traffic lights, and car washes that actually work, this tells me that it is stolen.
Traffic lights + car washes that work = Must be stolen. A+ logic.
But does it even matter? He's just playing by himself. I know for a fact a lot of those are made by users on the server.

It's definitely not the worst RP, oh my it isn't the worst RP by far. I think it's actually pretty fun and well moderated (pretty strict, no nonsense) at least while I was there.

That may be what YOU think, but in our eyes, his server loving sucks, lol.
That may be what YOU think, but in our eyes, his server is amazing.

No seriously, you only think his server is good... I don't believe in a 1 street down road town with stolen buildings from servers... Owners need to build their own stuff with people on their own server, or get something they have PREVIOUSLY built, they should not be taking others.

That may be what YOU think, but in our eyes, his server loving sucks, lol.
The best thing about this statement is that it contradicts itself.

I am not talking about the car wash stuff, I never even knew about that, I am talking about his current server.