Author Topic: The user known as Zanaran2  (Read 28422 times)

I'll stick around to see how this turns out.

you're both at fault.

alt, you're a mean spirited, vicious kid who revels in making people angry

zan, you fly off the handle and can't take a joke, and have to make every thread a personal conquest

this fight is un-winnable. that's how these things go

either you stop this feud now and walk away, or keep on fighting and eventually get banned and ridiculed. your choice

Kompressor's Third Law says: With every great starfish causing a fuss, there is an equally great crybaby creating an equal amount of fuss.

Let's not ignore those pretty visuals.

in all seriousness zanaran does get kinda angry and stuff but alternative literally provokes him

I never thought id see the day that the kids whom not yet wise acted as if they were the wisest of then all.

I like how you say "The user known as" like you're trying to dehumanize him. Just a user. Nothing more.

Are you guys just having a drama war now?

hello, me
oh maxwell and your trash waifus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ugh, why can't zanaran be serious in a topic like this -____-
he has no argument, so he lost.

ugh, why can't zanaran be serious in a topic like this -____-
he has no argument, so he lost.
maybe because alternative provoked him and zanaran just doesn't give a forget anymore

nobody's winning or losing. both people have gone to stuff at this point, and nobody's trying to clean up their act.

ugh, why can't zanaran be serious in a topic like this -____-
he has no argument, so he lost.
man you sure do have a funny avatar. sure emphasizes how trash the current state of your waifu is

absolutely nothing compared to yoko. psst, I even have her IRL, so that means I win by default!

maybe because alternative provoked him and zanaran just doesn't give a forget anymore
his e-rep is ruined.
man you sure do have a funny avatar. sure emphasizes how trash the current state of your waifu is

absolutely nothing compared to yoko. [s ize=5pt]psst, I even have her IRL, so that means I win by default![/siz e]
its from flicker you crusty back door

its from flicker you crusty back door
man, crusty back door? sounds super disgusting. sounds like a new innovative topping at some hipster restaurant.